First time I managed to get a decent shot

The Escaped Ape

In The Canopy
Not up to the standards of most people here, but it's the best I've managed so far (not a talented photographer and my camera's a bit basic). The polyp to the right fell off the frag recently (perhaps shaded by its neighbors), but I reglued it to the live rock a bit further up and it's already looking better (though not by the time this shot was taken).

Thank you very much! I have a hard time getting anything sharply into focus unless it's close to the glass, so moved this frag closer to the glass for this shot. I need to get a camera that can take pictures in 1:1 ratio (not sure that's exactly the right term, but essentially taking pictures sharply focused and life size at a distance?), but DSLRs are pricey, particularly after shelling out on a new tank!
Thanks Dave! Yes, it's infuriatingly difficult. My camera's autofocus on macro is really eccentric. It will focus past the point of sharpness, without me being able to stop it, and end up slightly blurred. Still, I'll keep on practicing!
:thumbsup: I know it's not the photography forum, but a quick suggestion. Based on what appears to by flying particles, you might have better luck with your tank flow turned off temporarily when you take a picture. That will cut down or remove all of those particle streaks in the image.
Good suggestion, thank you! I'd considered turning the flow off for a few photos at some stage, but that was mainly so the coral weren't moving in the flow. I hadn't thought about what was blowing around as well. I'm not sure what it is in the shot, possibly micro bubbles or the odd grain of sand (the sand bed is still fairly new).