fish bruise? wrasse pic


Premium Member

is this just a small bruise from rubbing on the rocks?

maybe hes just a little too fast for himself.

ive seen this the 2nd time now.

anyone know what it looks like?

thanks in advance,
Jaimie, What are you talking about? "anyone know what it looks like"? you mean the fish or the little lighter spot on the top of the fish, anyway, he looks to me like a japanese six line wrasse, the mark on top is no more than a territorial mood showing off, mine shows it all the time when he is being bully
the red spot looks like a bruise though, and its always like that till he heals i guess.

its a 4 line wrasse though, hes prob my favorite fish in the tank. VERY similar to the 6 line.
maybe your right rogger. im going to watch my tank good since i have the day off tomorrow, to see if it goes away. thank you ernesto!! woohooo.