Addicted to bright lights
Closing down the tank and taking a break.
Sohal Tang 6-8" $300
Naso vlamingi 5-6" $50
File Fish 3-4" $25
Maroon Clown 2-3" $20
Eibli Angel 4-5" $50
Bicolor Angel 2-3" $25
Yellow Tang 4-5" Free to the first person that wants it with the purchase of another fish
Big fish need to go first. Prices listed or best offer. The Sohol and the Vlamingi need a big tank so do not even respond unless you have a tank large enough. If your want one of the fish send me a picture of your tank and how long it has been running.
Everything is going in the next week or so. First come first serve on the asking prices. After that best offer gets it. A good home plays the biggest part here.
Sohal Tang 6-8" $300
Naso vlamingi 5-6" $50
File Fish 3-4" $25
Maroon Clown 2-3" $20
Eibli Angel 4-5" $50
Bicolor Angel 2-3" $25
Yellow Tang 4-5" Free to the first person that wants it with the purchase of another fish
Big fish need to go first. Prices listed or best offer. The Sohol and the Vlamingi need a big tank so do not even respond unless you have a tank large enough. If your want one of the fish send me a picture of your tank and how long it has been running.
Everything is going in the next week or so. First come first serve on the asking prices. After that best offer gets it. A good home plays the biggest part here.