Fish for Sale


New member
I have decided to downgrade my expensive and too much work.

For now I would like to start getting rid of some of my fish.

I have:
1 velvet fairy wrasse 4"
1 juvinile (still yellow) atlantic blue tang 3"
1 coral beauty angelfish 3"

These fish have been under hyposalinity since the begining of december for the treatment of ich. I have slowly been raising the salinity over the past week. None of them have shown any signs of a reoccurance of it. The tang and coral beauty are currently in a 25g hospital tank and the velvet fairy wrasse is in a 10g hospital tank...which as you probably can understand is way to small and i would like to get them out asap but can't because my big tank still has a clown and 3 chromis in it which still are awaiting treatment.

I don't know if anyone would buy these fish or how much i would sell them for. I just know i need to get them out of the small tanks. If someone is intrested please PM me or comment back with an offer and we can set up a meeting.
bump...these fish need to get out of these small tanks...:-(..

would anyone be interested for these fish for free or should i just take them in for credit?
velvet wrasse has been picked up.

atlantic blue tang pending pick up.

coral beauty still available..PM me if interested
Greg, the school tank is ready. If you feel like donating the fish for all the kids to enjoy you can bring him to the meeting tonight.
its a coral beauty do u think he would destroy the corals that you guys are going to put in the tank? otherwise i definitely will..i just dont want him to eat anything.