fish i aquired today


In Memoriam
I aquired:

NAME (size)

1 x Clown Triggerfish (M)
1 x Picasso Triggerfish (M)
1 x Bird Wrasse? (M)its not green though.
1 x Harlequin Tuskfish (M)
1 x niger trigger (S/M)
1 x Pajama Cardinalfish (L)
1 x Maroon Clownfish (L)
1 x Percula Clownfish (S/M)
1 x Virgate Rabbitfish (M)
1 x Yellow Tang (M)
4 x Yellowtail Blue Damselfish (S/M)

I also aquired some large crabs ... not sure what kind they are.

I have everything but the first 4 items on the list acclimated, and in my refugium. The two triggers, Bird wrasse & Tuskfish will be sold, or traded for @ the fish store tomorrow, latest monday if nobody on here wants them.
Re: fish i aquired today


I traded the following:

NAME (size)

1 x Clown Triggerfish (M)
1 x Picasso Triggerfish (M)
1 x Bird Wrasse? (M)its not green though.
1 x Harlequin Tuskfish (M)
1 x niger trigger (S/M)
1 x Pajama Cardinalfish (L)
1 x Maroon Clownfish (L)
1 x Virgate Rabbitfish (M)
4 x Yellowtail Blue Damselfish (S/M)

i had forgotten to put on the original list that i also received:

3 x Regal Blue Tangs

1 went to scott (keinreis), one i kept, and 1 i traded as well .... everything went to Ryan @ SaltWater Solutions.

Picked up 2 brain corals.
Welcome ... feel free to return the favor sometime ...

BUT NOT in green hair algae, or fish .... make it coral ....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8678186#post8678186 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
Welcome ... feel free to return the favor sometime ...

BUT NOT in green hair algae, or fish .... make it coral ....

ahh come on I have alot of hair algae to share