fish keep dying


New member
I talked a friend of mine in to saltwater fish instead of the african fish he was keeping. live rock, skimmer. water parameters are all stable for FOWLR, ammonia & nitrites = zero, nitrates @ 30ppm.
90gal tank. salinity @ 1.026. in the last month he has lost 5 pecular clowns, 3 angels, butterfly. fish look great for a day or two then the next day they are dead & covered with white film.
has grounding probe. what's wrong.

What is the Ph and how long has the tank been running? All the other reading seem ok and 30ppm of nitrates is fine for a Fish only tank.

It's possible that there is some type of disease in the tank and all the new fish are catching it once they're placed into the tank. Also the source of where the fish are coming from could be a problem as they may have something before he gets them.
HI! Mike:

all the fish are from 3 different LFS, at 3 diifferent purchases. They were not added at the same time. PH 8.3 & his hawk fish has been in the tank from the beginning & is totally fine-perfect.

Mike I forgot the tank has been running for 2 months. he used base rock & reef bones & added the bacteria solution to the tank.
it cycled in about 10 days.


The problem could be that you have some disease in the tank and the fish are getting it once placed into the tank. The Hawk fish is probably immuned to it. Also by adding all fish those fish it probably has made the problem worst or put a stain on your biology system and caused a spike in your tank.

I would do a water change and then let the tank run for a couple of weeks without adding any new fish. If the tank is doing good at the point, and the Hawk fish is ok, then add one fish and see how it does. Also make sure that the fish are being quaratined before being place into the tank.

or-how many fish are you adding at once? try adding ONE fish at a time, just incase hes causing spikes somewhere somehow...