flame mushrooms


New member
dumb question maybe,but what is a flame mushroom?
anyone have a photo of them.going to a swap next week,and some guy has them for sale.so I would like to know and see what they are before hand.

It is probably a generic red mushroom with a custom name for custom pricing.

I would ask for pictures before the event and search through RC to compare. If it is what I think it is, no more than $5 per mushroom should do the trick IMO.
i think i saw one once but can't find the site again.it was bright red with a red/orange center and had the texture of a bullsey.
Re: flame mushrooms

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11628342#post11628342 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by angelfishman145
dumb question maybe,but what is a flame mushroom?
anyone have a photo of them.going to a swap next week,and some guy has them for sale.so I would like to know and see what they are before hand.


I remember seeing your post today and was just "shopping" on the Diver's Den to see if there was anything cool and saw these.

Doh! Linky won't work! Someone bought them last night after I posted the link. They were cool though!:lol:
this is the closest mushroom i could find to what i saw advertised for sale as a flame mushroom.i just bought it today.looks like a red tongan mushroom.i thought it was over priced at $46 but i wanted it so i had to pay.its still adjusting its been in tank for 5 minutes.