flame scallops


New member
im planning on starting a 2.5gallon nano tank and i was wandering if i could have a flame scallop in it im not sure if it will have enough room your thoughts are greatly appriciated,Chris:):smokin: :beer: :bounce1: :uzi:
thanks for the info but i looked and looked on there but it didnt say anything about the size of tank they can live in. it said you need to "squirt" the plankton in their "face" could i use a all plastic flavor injector to feed it? and just squirt it in its "face" wen i get it? thanks for your help,Chris:):smokin: :uzi: :beer:

I don't think it would be advisable to try a flame scallop in any tank let alone a nano.

FWIW, Nathan
I wouldn't recomend one in such a small tank. I have had one in my 75 gallon full scale reef tank for more than 4-5 months. They don't need as much feeding as people say. I dose my tank with Bio-Phytoplantkon every week and add calcium and others every other day "maybe not every other day..."

They are very easy to take care of. Mine has not withered once! And is full of color and has shown growth!

Rock Anemone
thanks tentacle

thanks tentacle

That's what I was trying to refer him to. I haven't figured out how to post links to threads yet. :rolleyes:
HAHA.....i bought a flame scallop about 4 months ago and when i put him in the tank he started jumpin around trying to get a good place to sit and the dumb thing fell behind my reef where i couldnt get him back without taking the whole thing apart.....i said forget it....he was only 4 bucks.....i dont think ill be getting another