Flow Question For New SPS tank


New member
hey guys I am starting to setup a 120 SPS/LPS tank and wondering what I should do for flow. Im putting a Turbo Sea 790 on my closed loop but was wondering what return pump I should use... im thinking about possibly doing a squid on the closed loop return and a spray bar for my sump return. Any Ideas are appreciated thanks guys
That closed loop pump seems rather weak at 795gph. I would run with a dart on there personally. Dont run a sqwd on the closed loop, you will lose a lot of flow. If you want to get random flow you would be much better off with a oceansmotion.

Why do you want to run a spray bar? If you run enough flow through your closed loop, it should keep the detritus suspended and there will be no need for a spray bar.

Just my 2 cents for whats it worth
On my 120 I run a wavebox and two 6060s with a mag 12 (dialed way down since the addition of the box, maybe ~500-700 GPH) on return.

Just try to get as much random flow as the budget will allow so you don't get corals growing in one direction and so you don't get detritus acclimating on the base of corals. I’d suggest the streams and the Sea Swirls or the wavebox if the budget allows, but if you plan to add a box do it from the start because you will likely have to set the tank up for it from the get-go.

Also, I have a friend who had two 1" sea swirls on a mag 18 and a mag 12 on the return with a tunze 6060 and an 800 GPH SEIO on his 120, and it seems to get the job done nicely.
I kinda already have the Turbo Sea... well I payed for it at least. I guess I could switch it but how much more are we talking about spending here... I want this tank to be slammin but I also cant spend an arm and a leg getting it there
I also cant spend an arm and a leg getting it there

didnt anyone tell you that an arm and a leg is the minimum in this hobby. :D

why cant you use the turbo sea for the return and get a bigger pump for the closed loop? do you have to go closed loop? if money is the problem you're better off just going w/seios.
lol i know that the minimum is a arm and a leg and im already at about 1 and a half arms so not much left lol.... im this system about 3 grand so far and I still gotta get rock. Im getting to the point where money is just not gonna matter anymore haha i just want a sick setup
what about putting another Turbo Sea 790 on the sump return? Either that or just trading in my current Turbo Sea for a Bigger pump for closed loop and going with a small pump for the sump return... Just found on ebay that I can get another Turbo Sea 790 for $155 or there is a 1740 thats at like $200 right now
I also cant spend an arm and a leg getting it there

Only one arm?

I would look elsewhere other than the return pump, A single e-bay'd stream would be 1000x better than any upgrade you could put on return (within reason). This would also allow you to have fow coming from multiple areas (return on one end, stream on other). I know it may be expensive, but when the return alone does not cut-it, you will find yourself upgradeing anyways. In this hobby, better the first time is almost always cheaper in the end.

just my .02c

true... Hmmm Maybe Ill go with my 790 for the closed loop and a weaker return pump for the sump with a spray bar to get a wide area of flow then put some sort of powerhead from the opposite side of the closed loop