Fluval Evo 13.5 project


New member
Hey everybody !

New to saltwater aquariums, I am trying to find the best livestock I can own.

Here is the stuff I planned.

Tank :Fluval Sea Evo 13.5g

Lighting :Current USA Orbit Marine Aquarium LED Light 18-24 inch

Filtration : Fluval Sea Skimmer Nano PS2

Osmolator :TUNZE Osmolator Nano 3152

Heating :Hydor Submersible Glass Aquarium Heater - 50W

Flow : Turbelle nanostream 6015 and the fluval's base pump (133 g/h)

Livestock :

- Thor amboinensis x4

- Lysmata debeliusx1

- Neopetrolisthes maculatus x1

- Lybia tesselata x1

- Clibanarius tricolor x1

Need you help for snails ;)

fish :

- Percula Clownfish with host coral x1
- Yellowtail Damselfish x1
- Clown Gobby x1

And corals : mainly softies and Zoanthus.

Let me know what do you think and thanks in advance for you help and good advice.
Not sure my topic is in the right section, maybe better in the Nano Reefs section? Can I move it?

Let me know ;)
Got any common names for livestock without me doing a whole bunch of research? You're a new to the Hobby, no need for scientific names