Flying out of Miami with rocks


Not Quite Right
I am going to pick up some live rocks from an online place in the Keys and need a bit of help. They sell cultured live rock over the internet and they said I can buy it down there and they can pack it so I can bring it back with my luggage. Does anyone know if this is going to "fly" out of Miami airport? He said he will furnish an invoice and all the necessary licenses and permits. I would hate to pick up the goods and have them get stuck at the airport.

Also, are there other places that sell cultured live rock in the keys? THe place I found seems to have good prices at about $4.oo a pound and if it is half as good as the photos.. it will be great.


tampa bay saltwater is suppost to have some really nice rock too. you can also go there and cherry pick all the rocks you like there. there also a sponser for this site.

i dont know about bringing your rock with your luggage, so i cant help ya there. but it sounds like from what he told you youd be alright.

hope someone else can chime in.
Well, not L/R, but I flew out of Ft Lauderdale to Chicago this spring with coral and some fish. I packed it in a plastic cooler with duct tape. When I had checked earlier they said to declare it as live goods and sign a waiver. Well I didn't, just checked it as is. I'm sure they see a lot of coolers from down there. Their real concern is saltwater (or any fluid) leaking in the cargo hold (worked for UAL in college, long ago). If its a heavy load you may want to look into air cargo. SWA is very good if they fly into STL. I believe that you pay for 100lbs minimum no matter what.

Hope this is some help.
I have flown with live rock many times without an issue. I just let the people know at check in and they usually wrap the box in plastic just to be sure that no sw leaks on anyone's bags.
WPBFISH, Did you need any paperwork? Have you flown recently? A long time ago we net caught some stuff in Tampa. I called the airline and they said "no problem". When we got to the airport the baggage folks said "NO WAY", they don't want any water leaking out. So I went inside to argue. I told the lady at the desk I had fish and that I called and they said it was ok to bring fish back in cargo. All she said was that they don't want water leaking out and asked if the fish were packed in ice. Of course I said NO and kept my mouth shut. She then allowed it through.

I can't seem to find out how to contact the Miami baggage directly. I'll have to dig deeper into that before I head off. Thanks for the input. If anyone knows of other places that sell to the public please let me know.

i would check wiht the airport wiht all the new rules and all. i brought a freg back from south florida and ans when i got home i have a tsa sticker on my bag so i guess the look for it in my bag as it went throgh the xray
I have flown with live rock several times within the past six months between s. fl and the northeast and never had a problem nor have I ever been asked to sign or produce any paperwork. I have always had the rock inside a suit case inside of trash bags never just a card board box. Good luck
Last question for the locals... Is it illegal to bring back seahorses? Last time we were in Tampa we saw people who caught a bunch and were drying them in the sand. About made me sick. I have an empty nano that is loaded with pods and plants that might make a good home for a mated pair. I'm not sure I want to hassle with it.

Thanks for all of the input.