Fmas coral grow out contest (lps) 2015- has begun!!!


Active member
Ok Folks- The CONTEST IS ON!!!!!!:celeb1::celeb3:

We have 13 frags spread out through the community. Now its time to grow them out and see who does best. I hope for a lot of RESPECTFUL bragging, LOL, :beachbum:

At this time we are asking all contestants to post pics of there frags, and give us an overall detail of their tank, ie, tank size, sump size, lights being used, nutrient export methods, maintenance schedule, feedings, etcc.. DO IT ON YOUR OWN NEW THREAD PLEASE. DO NOT POST IT ON HERE. Remember not only do you get to brag, but you get to teach, and share your experiences. Every month on approx this date we will ask you to post updates. This will go on for 6 months, then the winner will be announced.

Also remember, last contest we did the winner was not necessarily the best, but the one who followed instructions.

Below is a reminder of instructions.



Simple rules

1. You must be a current, and paid member of FMAS.

2. Must do a quick write up of your system on the competition thread in the beginning. ex. size, flow, light, placement of the competition piece, coral food, fish, etc to accompany your initial photo update.

3. You will be required to post photo updates. A thread will be started every
time photo updates are required (about once a month) where you will post your updates. Sufficient time will be allowed for those on vacation or whatever. Dates for required updates will be posted once all corals have been distributed. Updates can be submitted in the week previous to the posted dates

4. Must have access to a camera to show proof of their coral in monthly updates.

5. No cheating. Cheaters will be banned from current and future competitions!!!

6. If there is a tie, see guidelines for more information.

7. Pieces for Grow Out Competition MUST remain on the official FMAS plugs they are obtained on. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from competition.

8. All threads must be posted HERE ON RC. Do not post on FB or other areas as they will not be taken into consideration.

Not following the rules can cause you to be disqualified and sorry no money back.


1. Pieces used for grow out, have been cut and acclimated to an aquarium environment for 2 weeks already. . No matter whether or not you already have some of what we are starting with you should obtain a frag from FMAS. Pieces used for the Grow Out Competition MUST remain on the official plug it is sent on for the duration of the competition unless otherwise stated. Plugs are used to judge growth.

2. How to obtain frag pieces. Frags are at Matt Dudley, and Eddie Soler's tanks. Matt Dudley has 6 frags for those that live in Northern Broward County. Eddie Soler has 9 pieces for those in South Broward, but he works in Miami so can help with delivery. All remaining pieces of the colony would be sold. The money made on those sold pieces will be added to the prize, or donated to the club for upcoming events.

3. Time span of competition. The competition will run for 6 months. This will give EVERYONE the same advantage\disadvantage with acclimation and so on. Pictures will be required frequently for updates. Cheaters will be banned from current and future competitions, posting frequent pic's should discourage any cheating as all will be able to see and speak up if need be.

4. Entry Fee. Entry fee will be $20. THE ENTRY FEE WILL PAY FOR PRIZES. If sponsors choose to join us, that will be more of an incentive for participants. A list of all involved will be posted on the thread for the grow out when it starts so all know who is involved. Honesty is going to be key all the way around in this competition. Entry is limited to 2 per household.

5. Determining winner. Winner will be based on total growth, or percentage of growth. FMAS BOD will do the initial judging.

6. IF THERE IS A TIE: Should there be a tie between more than 2 contestants, pictures will be posted (without names to prevent favoritism) for a vote, the voting will then be up to FMAS members.

The goal of this competition covers a couple different paths. First, it will provide a variety of corals to all involved. Second, it will provide information regarding the best system configurations, feeding, what have you, to obtain maximum results in growth for the species used. Third, prizes....duh. Forth, to promote future members for FMAS.

Overall this competition is all about fun, prizes, and bragging rights of course. If there are modifications to start date a post will be made in this thread and a PM will be sent to contestants.
Think the big letters in the paragraph explains it.

At this time we are asking all contestants to post pics of there frags, and give us an overall detail of their tank, ie, tank size, sump size, lights being used, nutrient export methods, maintenance schedule, feedings, etcc.. DO IT ON YOUR OWN NEW THREAD PLEASE. DO NOT POST IT ON HERE. Remember not only do you get to brag, but you get to teach, and share your experiences. Every month on approx this date we will ask you to post updates. This will go on for 6 months, then the winner will be announced.*
KNucles answered part of the question, but Jonnyu asked me in private what to name the thread. Very good question. Lets try to keep them similar like "AquamanEs LPS grow out contest Update#1", or Update#1 for coral LPS contest from aquamane". Some thing like that.

At this time I think its important we call it" LPS contest" because we are hopeing to get other contests started.

Also please try to put your update out ASAP after its been announced (less than a week maybe?) . I will email and prod you if you dont so we can keep some continuity going on this.
800gl system. Bermuda Aquatics k-14 skimmer/180gl Sump Box. 175w/250w/400w MH. Reef Breeder XHO led. 250gl Refiugem. 180gl KRYPTIC Zone. Chevron Tang, Scopas Tang, Yellow Tang, Longnose Hawk Fish, Spotted Goby, Percula in that tank.
So far, after seeing how much people are paying attention, I think my chances of winning have gone up at least 20%
So far, after seeing how much people are paying attention, I think my chances of winning have gone up at least 20%

Lol- yes please post your own thread!!! That way each participant has opportunity to communicate with the community on what they are doing.
I will start my thread tomorrow. I have been at the Miami Rum Festival since Thursday. :dance:
Think the big letters in the paragraph explains it.

At this time we are asking all contestants to post pics of there frags, and give us an overall detail of their tank, ie, tank size, sump size, lights being used, nutrient export methods, maintenance schedule, feedings, etcc.. DO IT ON YOUR OWN NEW THREAD PLEASE. DO NOT POST IT ON HERE. Remember not only do you get to brag, but you get to teach, and share your experiences. Every month on approx this date we will ask you to post updates. This will go on for 6 months, then the winner will be announced.*

Great, i cant wait to see over half of page 1 taken up with update threads....maybe you could get RC to make them sticky to waste even more space. :headwally:
Great, i cant wait to see over half of page 1 taken up with update threads....maybe you could get RC to make them sticky to waste even more space. :headwally:

LMAO Jimbo. True, but at least it keeps us talking about tanks, instead of 3/4 of the page being For Sale posts. IMHO :o