FMAS Miami Seaquarium Private Show


2018 FMAS President
Please note: This is a members only event; You must be a current 2018 Member of FMAS

Date: September 25th, 2018 at 6pm
Location: Miami Seaquarium
Event: Backstage Tour and Private Show.

Description: FMAS Annual Miami Seaquarium Tour. Bring the Family! This is a private Tour and Show just for FMAS members! The Seaquarium opens their doors to FMAS once the general public leaves. Every year is different. They have done behind the scene tours where they show us all the background equipment. They have done private Dolphin shows for us. They have had us feed the Stingrays. We never know what they will do.

NOTE: This is a Members ONLY event. You must be a current 2018 FMAS member to attend this event. Family memberships can have up to 4 people (family defined per by-laws); Single membership is one person. If you are unsure, please contact us at

This is a limited Members ONLY event!

If you have not renewed for 2018 or are not yet a member, join now

If you want to bring the family with you, you will need to have a family membership. For only $10 more a year, it is well worth it.
Was it me or does it look like the Seaquarium hasn't changed since it first opened in 1955? I mean they have nice paint and landscaping here and there but other than that, no real significant upgrades have been made? Tanks are the same size, small and dirty. Why is that? I would think for it being in Miami and being on the water that it would be nicer especially for the tourists. Maybe they are keeping it like that for nostalgia reasons, the good ol' Flipper days? Seems like many other projects in Miami have millions poured into it by investors who what their name on the outside of the building, why not the Seaquarium? Can we as a club do something it like start a GoFundMe campaign?
Seaquarium just did pour millions into their With PETA and Lummi Tribe, I don't think anyone wants to have their name or be associated with them at the moment.

Plus, SeaWorld biggest changed happened last year. The are not breeding orca's anymore. The orca shows already eneded in San Diego last year and here in Orlando they will end the shows by 2019. Being that's seaquarium biggest attraction... AND when the whales dies or IF they release it back to the wild(dont see that happening) not sure it's a wise investment unless they revamp (take down) that whole park & add more better attraction since i dont see a new whale in their future unless a bigger tank goes in, but I could be wrong.