FMAS Tank Hop - Host Tank Preview


Premium Member
Here is the current list of hosts for the upcoming tank hop on 12/16 (next Sunday). We're still working on finalizing time slots, so keep an eye out for more details this week! Addresses and directions will be sent out via email by the end of the week. :)

HOST - Jeff and Christy (jeffbrig & ufchristyb)

250g room divider (3 sides viewable)
barebottom, mixed reef, mostly SPS
MH & T5 lighting
Euro-reef RC500
Sequence 4200 & Tunze 6100s

Here's an old picture from June (lots more coral now)

HOST - Darcy (45commando)

Tank: 120g Softies, anemones, & clams
Lighting: MH & VHO
kalk reactor, UV, maxijets and wavemaker



HOST - Doug (dpdash)

Tank is fairly unique in that it is viewable on all 4 sides, sits in the middle of the living room with plumbing/electrical run up the middle of the tank. Mix of LPS, a few SPS's, clam, zoo's, leathers etc. Tank is self sufficient for up to 3 weeks except food.



HOST - Ricardo & Rosie (username?)

55 gal
VHO 440w
1057 main pump + SCWD
Mag 12 close loop + SCWD
Turbo-Twist UV Sterilizers 9W
Berlin Turbo Protein Skimmers Mag 9.5
Aqua FX 100gph Double D.I. / Tropic Marine
5 ½ gal refugium / Rio 600 / 20W mini compact



HOST - Eric (ReefWreck)

120g 48x24x24
29g sump/fuge
2x250w SE IceCap, Coralvue, 10k XM, Spider reflectors
4x440w VHO actinic supplement
Euro-Reef 8-2 Skimmer with Sedra9000 upgrade
Deltec PF501 calcium reactor
2x seio 1100 + Korallia 4
Currently controlled by American Marine pH controller and Medusa dual-stage temp controller
Soon to be controlled by (installation on the 14th or 15th of Dec.) Aquatronica Controller
Tank is mostly SPS, some LPS, and a few softies (zoanthids and kenya tree).

HOST - Pedro (pedromatic)

90g & 55g

The 90 features some beautiful wrasses, gobies, Niger Triggerfish, a brooding trio ??? of Pajama Cardinals and a mix of soft corals and SPS frags. The 55 is mostly soft corals, but features a large Bubble Coral and BTA. Fish include Maroon Clown, Lyretail Anthias, Diamond Goby, Hawkfish, Orchid Dottyback. Both tanks feature BTAs and clownfish, gobies and pistol shrimp, clams, stars, shrimp, etc.




HOST - Rogger (Rogger_Castells)

375 gal main display
150 gal glass sump
efficient running on one pump, return, skimmer, uv, chiller & reactors.
3 250 HQI MH 4 39w T5's
2 wave boxes
2 6100 tunze streams
aquatronica controller
deltec 601 calcium reactor
PM kalk reactor
microzone 300 ozone
ETSS 800r skimmer
Metal stand
close cell foam outer shell (non absorbent & non corrosive material)




560/g 120Lx36Wx30H Total water volume 1k
4-400w PFO Mh 20k Radiums Luminarc III,
Neptune III Controller,
Spazz Custom Volcano NW Skimmer,
Dart Om4way CL,
2-Tunze 6100 in deco rocks on 7095 controller
Seq 4200 Return



HOST - Matt (Ding2daDong)

SPS dominated tank with many exotic corals and not so exotic fish :). Here is some info;

75g aga with 30g ish acrylic sump
Refugium with 5inch mantis shrimp w/dsb
DAS ex-1 recirculating skimmer
mag 5 return
8bulb tek t5 fixture
2 seio pumps and 1 korilia 3 (am getting a vortech Friday)

Wow thanks for putting in the time Christy, it looks to be a great, fun filled day. I will have chips and dip to whoever comes to see my tank. :D lol

Wicked :) I'm excited for all the hoppers (myself included). I'm very interested to see other's tanks, as well as have other people see mine
For anyone who is into the softies..Ricardos and 45 Commando's tanks are breath taking. The most colorful tanks I have seen, and the most colorful set-ups...
Oye Carlos, I am surprised you are not hosting as you have a very nice tank set-up too. Heck the matching furniture alone is something to see...
If anyone is not on the official FMAS email list, please shoot us an email at with the email address you would like to be notified at so we can be sure to get you a copy of the addresses/times. Thanks!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11351828#post11351828 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
I will have chips and dip to whoever comes to see my tank. :D lol


Matt I'll bring a deck of cards :)J/k LMK if you are planning on coming by,if not I'll try & get over to your place,so I can settle up with you.
Good job Jeff & Christie on putting this together.
I know it's kind of off original topic, but how do you guys keep your glass so damn clean? I scrape with a razor, but my tank is 24" deep. I know Rogger isn't going diving in his tank to scrape the glass... but maybe he's paying Mel? :p

Is everyone just using the thing that you glue onto a magfloat that a razor blade screws into? Does pat still carry them?
One more host for Sunday:

Luis (compulou)

65g All-Glass Reef-Ready
custom made sump/refugium
Aqua-C EV 120 Skimmer
384w of MH & PC's
Ocean Runner 2500 Return Pump
Aqua-Medic ATO
Ocean Motions 2-Way Squirt w/Gen-X PCX-40
15w UV Light
1000w APC UPC Battery Backup
FishBowlz Kalk Reactor

110g Frag Tank 5'x3'x11"
250w SE 10k Coral Life Bulb PFO Ballast
Modified Berlin 250 Skimmer
Two 50gal Rubbermaid Tubs for sumps/refugiums


When will we know times of this, or are there not going to be times, it'll just be open all day? I'm excited, but I want to see other people's tanks too!

And are there any carpools going on. I know there is a lot of people down in Kendall SoMiami, then the Hialea crew, and NoMiami, then there's Broward, east and west, then Boca/delray/deerfield.

I'm down to cruise with anyone in Boca/Delray/Deerfield. Come check my tank out, then we can get up and drive down to Broward and maybe Miami.
Times will be emailed out to the hosts tonight for a final ok. An email with times and directions should go out to all members Thursday evening, so there should be a few days to coordinate car pools if people want.

Hello Again,

The schedule/directions for the HOP has been emailed out to all current FMAS members and the several individuals who requested it via email.

If you did not receive this email, please check your spam folder just in case. If you need a copy, please email us at:

Thanks and HAPPY HOPPING!!!
