For sale


I have a Current USA 15W UV for sale. It was used about a month. I think they sell for like 90 bucks new..I am asking $40.

I also have a CPR Bak-Pak skimmer I no longer use. It came with my 75G tank so Im not sure how old it is but I bought a new RIO 800 for it and then promptly stopped using it too. I do not know how much they are new but I will ask $40 for it as well.

While I am at it, I am looking to sell my entire 75G rig.

The Tank: 75G tank with a custom stand, small (20G I think?) sump w/overflow, heater, 2 - 3 pumps for circulation, 440W worth of VHO lighting with some brand new bulbs still in the box. Theres also a CPR SR-4 skimmer (In sump) and a MAG18 return with a SQWD plumbed in. I can only guess theres about 75 lbs of LR with lots of shrooms and green zoos on them.
The corals: sinulara, small frogspawn, xenia, galaxia, brain.

The fish: 1 Scopas tang, 1 false clown, 1 6 line wrasse, 2 yellow tail damsels, 1 royal gramma, serpent star, 2 pep shrimps, 1 coral banded shrimp, snails, crabs.

PM me if your intersted, I can snap off some fresh photos to mail you. I'm in no hurry so if you need to delay pick up and yes its pick up only, I can work with you on it. I'd like to get $1000 bucks for everything (some other odds and ends I didn't list) but hey, its Christmas and who am I to stand between someone and their potential dream.

I would be interested in the it cracked around the collection cup?...reason I ask is because I got one on ebay and they collection cup is broken and would you see the corals and fish separte or just with the tank?
As you can imagine I am hoping to sell the whole rig together. We want to put new carpet down so I may as well sell it (which is my segway into a new larger tank..) rather than break it all down to move it for a day then set it all back up. I figure if Im going to break it down for carpet then may as well sell it to someone looking for as close to plug and play as possible. As for the CPR skimmer its in perfect health.
Sure I'll split it up..Any 1 piece for $1000 comes with all the other equipment free ; )
I have lots of offers to split up the stuff but its just not feasible. Its kinda an all or nothing deal with the goal of replacing the carpet. Im in no hurry..Theres always the paper or ebay. Thanks though. If you are interested in the whole package please PM a price and we will go from there..
