For the photographers - Mac or PC?


New member
I'm sure this is brought up all over the place, and i'm sorry to do it here. I really don't want to start a big discussion over which is better.

For those who do a lot of processing around here, are you working on windows still or over to mac?
I do IT consulting for a living. I've been doing computers and the Internet since before most folks knew that either existed. I switched to Mac a little over 3 years ago and have no intention of switching back. There are lots of reasons why that aren't necessary for this conversation. That being said I have to remain competent on many platforms.

From a photographic standpoint, it really doesn't matter much. Roughly the same tools are available on both platform. Where Apple wins, IMO, is color management. It's end to end. Windows is still playing catch-up there.
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Anyways... Mac are PC now ... so doesn't matter. (Or PC are Mac...)
Its the same program same tool etc...

they are no difference now in 2007.
Its all about preference
The virtual PC function is very appealing should you need windows for any reason.

I have no great reason to abandon my PC. I know how to use it well and have never had any serious problems. But something... is pulling me away.

Anyways i'm about to purchase a 22" Apple Cinema display and am excited for that.. i'll run it off of my PC.

Thanks for the input.
I like Macs better. At my highschool we all got MacBooks and they are sweet. Also they don't freeze or mess up as often IMO.
PC here, and I do graphic work for a living (more photograph tweaking than photography - still trying to get my behind the camera skills caught up with the processing skills :) ).

I don't think it matters - it's more about the software than the platform.

I run both currently for my image processing and I have to admit I do like my Mac a little better than my PC...but that is really a personal preference. It's really about the software you are using and how much speed you have built into your system. But I will say this iMac has 1 power cord, that's it. The only other cords are from the printer and the external harddrive. I love the significant reduction of cord clutter in the iMac versus my PC. And the space savings too.

That being said, would I love a big ol' Mac tower all suped up or a top-of-the-line Alienware machine? You betcha!

It's all what your budget can handle and what you like.
PC here as well, but I don't think it really matters nowadays. Macs can dual boot and comes with Core 2 duo chips.

I went the PC route when I upgraded a few months back due to familiarity with the platform and cost. Whatever you decide on, go Core 2 Duo and at least 2 GB of RAM. Post processing is a breeze with the system (CS3 beta flies). This is really handy since I process a huge number of pics every year.