For those using expanding foam for background


Premium Member
I have a tissue recession problem with my sps and some lps, and havent been able to nail it down so I'm wondering what others experiences are.

Some info on my tank system. 4 years ago started a 90g mixed reef display with DSB. 2 years ago added 100g rubbermaid stock tank, tall Lifereef skimmer, 100g long seagrass tank with DSB, and a few other smaller have come and gone in this time, like frag tank, 30 breeder tank with clowns and anemone, and 25g soft coral display.

In November 2007 I started my 180 with expanding foam background, I used black pond foam from aquatic ecosytems, and a small amount of yellow great stuff to fill some of the gaps. It has a shallow sand bed, and about 150lbs or so of LR, all mature rock that I had gotten from local reefers and some which I had stockpiled in the months leading up to the tank build, all the rock was fully cured before adding. It has a SSB, 3 250 watt MH fixtures, bulbs are 2 XM20k( came with the tank bought used and are of unknown age), and 1 Ushio 14k ( about a year old ) so I'm definately ready for new bulbs, and is connected into the existing mature system. Flow is provided by a Koralia #4, and a Seio 2600. Return is a sedra 1200 through a SCWD.

Dosing is provided with a Ca reactor, Kalk reactor, controlled with ACIII, Magnesium is dosed with Randy's 2 part. Reef salt is MEI Crystal Seas bioassay.

Parameters: all tested with Salifert kits

Ca 370
Alk 10.6 dkh
Mg 1260
NO3 25 ppm ( a little high I know but I dont think is responsible? )
PO4 ? no test kit, but virtually no high phosphate driven nuisance algae

Recently for a period of 3 weeks I was doing weekly water changes of about 100g's per week, things did seem to improve but not tremendously and as soon as water changes amounts were dropped back a bit things were back to the normal slow tissue recession, but with good polyp extension. Tissue isnt receding in any particular way. Its from the base, tips and actually anywhere in between. I have used GAC, and Phosgaurd alternatively recently hoping for some improvement.

I've never had a problem quite like this which has persisted and with no obvious reason.

I've searched up expanding foam and cant find any particular mysterious tissue recession discussions. So if I'm the only one then the problem must be something else perhaps in the details I've provided.

Thank you to anyone with suggestions and thoughts.