found some nudis, what now


New member
i looked in at the tank while the lights were out to check 3 frags of zoas that were not opening up and sure nuff....there they were. i pulled the frags out and did a freshwater dip for 5 min. each , used a turkey baster to blast the water around. what should i do next? i placed the 3 frags in a cup thats placed n the fuge area.
Get water movement on those frags asap or they'll slime up and die, unfortunately freshwater dips are really harsh on them. Can you pull out all of your zoanthids and do you have a quarantine tank you can use?

Search for treating nudis with flatworm exit, the best method I've used so far and it's really easy on the corals, doesn't stress them or anything.

30 seconds


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2 minutes

i did a freshwater dip on any frags that wer not glued to the rockscape and placed them back in, over the past few weeks i have noticed a couple frags that are glued to rock are staying shut, i have looked at night but have not seen any since the original post. today i looked at the frag and thought i could see one... i blasted the frag with a turkey baster to close up the polyps, then i sucked around the polyps and placed that water in a seperate container, i counted 6 very small nudibrachs. agghh . is there a way to treat for these without pulling the frags off the rockscape? some i can pull out of the tank and some i cant. these are small frags , about 15 in total and were one of first purchases for the tank, great way to start huh.. i will be dipping all the frags from here on out.
I would dip in Revive on the frags you can get out. This kills the nudis. Then you have to make sure to remove any eggs because i haven't heard of any dip that kills the eggs.

Like posted above by organism you should use flatworm exit. This treatment is what finally helped me rid my tank of nudis. I did a treatment 3 times about 10-12 days apart each time and haven't had an issue in over 3 months now (knock on wood!!!)
i am going to pick up some FWE and do that, i did get most frags off the rock and did a FW dip today, about 6 more that i could not see with the eye while in the tank. i was also thinking of placing these frags in a bucket of tankwater with a power head and small light for a few weeks. bad idea? kinda like a QT . there would be no other zoas in the DT if i did this would any evil nudis in the tank die off if theres no zoas?
You could do have to keep in mind that the eggs will still be in the tank and bucket. Make sure you look for them and remove them. FWE isn't a harsh treatment on your tank itself. Def put me over the edge in beating the nudis.

I also added a melanarus wrasse (others told me same results with 6-line and yellow corris), and kept turkey basting my colonies checking for nudis and eggs. the wrasse does a great job serching through the tank for nudis to snack on.

I'm not sure if keeping them from zoas will cause them to die off... maybe someone else can chime in on that one
I did a hand pick with tweezers.. It suck but I don't like put chemical in my tank.. LED light at night help a lot as them bastard is nocturnal
i started pulling all my zoa frags out, i had to pry them out of the epoxy holding them to the rocks. i stated dipping them in flatworm exit and killed about 8 nudis, i will keep doing this and watch tehm closley, thanks for the help
i ended up putting all the frags on the sand bed right up on the glass and use a magnifing glass to spot them, i just bit the bullet and pulled them off the rockscape. man the nudis do not like the FWE, works great