Four side viewable custom 215G Elos rimless tank


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Hi all, thanks for the positive comments.

Nuccadoc - at the moment i have 37 fish (26 green chromis, 2 stellate scooter blennies, 1 regal tang, 1 silver spot kole tang, 1 lined wrasse, 1 lined blenny, 2 clarki clowns, 1 flameback angel, 1 hector's goby and 1 cleaner wrasse) so not planning to add anymore. Actually, the flameback angel has started nipping on my sps and need to catch him and find him a new home.
Mshur - yes i have plenty of flow. I actually modified my Tunze 6105s by mounting the 6205 propeller housing on each pump which gives a wider flow and its working great.
Hi all, thanks for the positive comments.

Nuccadoc - at the moment i have 37 fish (26 green chromis, 2 stellate scooter blennies, 1 regal tang, 1 silver spot kole tang, 1 lined wrasse, 1 lined blenny, 2 clarki clowns, 1 flameback angel, 1 hector's goby and 1 cleaner wrasse) so not planning to add anymore. Actually, the flameback angel has started nipping on my sps and need to catch him and find him a new home.

Fantastic! It just didn't look like you had that many fish.
Fantastic looking tank! I love that there are others starting to try large tanks with lots of small reef fish and one or two "show fish". It's a really unique look and something I'm likely to try when I finally get a real job (my student budget affords a modest nano) and decide to upgrade.

On another note, that brain is HUGE!
The tank looks beautiful. I hope all those chromis play nice with each other. But when they nip and bite and backstab each other down to just a few, you should get a harem of anthias, that would look really nice.
OK, here are some updated pictures. The old aquascape was really bugging me, especially the larger island viewed from one side of the tank. I have lowered the larger island and built it in a more diagonal structure with an overhang on which I have placed the green staghorn. The smaller island has been left unchanged and I have added a couple of more SPS colonies. It is not easy aquascaping a structure viewable from all sides because each time you get one side right, there is something wrong with it on the other side. Anyway, I am finally happy with it and hope you like it.








