Frag Show ( it was great )


Rimless Reef
First off thanks to everyone who made this show happen.
I really had a great time today and even won a few items
It was nice to out names with faces again.

I will be posting information on the October meeting very soon
Thanks Bryan
Yup that was my first one but hopefully the first of many. I spent wayyy too much money but would have spent alot more if I had bought it all retail.
Thanks so much to our club officers for doing a killer job on set up and organizing !!
Ive got plenty of pics and vids to post so stay tuned!
Excellent time.....yes, let's see pics of new corals....I need to put camera software on new computer first....and hopefully and post soon....

Great job everyone...especially Marty of course!
Thanks to everyone!!! This new tank looks nice in its new spot!!

I have a great idea if anyone want to open a LFS... We can give away tanks and stands, this "free" tank cost me $350 today!!!
I got alot of pictures and video at the swap and hope to get them on the club website soon. If anyone took a bunch of pictures and uploads them to a photo album online, send me the link so I can get it added as well. I am sure everyone would like to see all your pictures of the great day!
I had a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone that talked me into going ahead and putting zoas in my week old tank. ;)
I had a blast Saturday. It was my first frag swap, and I can't believe I ever paid retail for something. My fav thing I got is the Fruit Loop zoa's from Jabo. They look awesome under my 20k radiums. Might change in a few days when Harry's acros get their color back. I was so excited Saturday I forgot to get the one thing I had on my list.. cheato, anybody have any cheato or caulerpa left?
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First off thanks to everyone who made this show happen.
I really had a great time today and even won a few items
It was nice to out names with faces again.

I will be posting information on the October meeting very soon
Thanks Bryan

Bryan, thanks for hosting October!!! Can't wait to seenyour tank now that I've seen your frags!

For those that may not know:
There IS a Club reimbursement for hosting? You know that, right???
Hey guys
<<<<Razorback reefer
I enjoyed the swap next year ill bring more money lol. Hopefully some of Yall can come down this way for a good meeting/event.
Raffle grabber
Hmm that's funny half of my post didn't show. Anyways thanks for a great frag swap guys. Looking forward to next year. I'll bring more money. My name is Whitney, big guy blue shirt with dreads from Arkansas.

Raffle grabber
My first frag swap too. Had a really good time. Got 5 new corals for my tank. Somebody, what lighting requirements for the sacrophyton I got?
Hey Whitney, next year keep your dreads out of my frag tank!! J/K it was nice to meet you and thanks for the purchases hope all is doing well!

My first frag swap too. Had a really good time. Got 5 new corals for my tank. Somebody, what lighting requirements for the sacrophyton I got?

Indra loved receiving the sea horses stained glass art!!!!! (of course, it took $60 worth of tickets to the Club, but...whatever. Good cause. Thanks!!!! I really think you have a side business there....

Sacra's love light....or not. Either way, they're fairly bulletproof.
Hey Whitney, next year keep your dreads out of my frag tank!! J/K it was nice to meet you and thanks for the purchases hope all is doing well!

Lol I got the tri-color from you right? If everything goes well I won't have anymore ill be driving for ups.

Raffle grabber
You work for UPS currently or going to be an off the street hire? I work for UPS also. I was beside Jason with all the zoos