frag swap question


New member
Never been to one before. Do you bring stuff just to trade or to sell? Do you have to bring your own tank to put the frags in?
It is more of a selling or buying thing versus a true "swap". While I am sure there is some swapping going on, the vast majority are selling their corals. So, you do not have to bring anything, except maybe your wallet if you want to buy something.

If you have a large amount of corals to sell, you should rent a table (I think $20 or something like that). If so, you have to bring everything (tank, water, bags, lights, etc.) If you have just a few, the club currently has plans to have a table where club members can sell them together. I think someone has volunteered to lend a tank or two, but they will need voluteers to bring prepared water, bags, lights etc. They will also need people to volunteer to take a shifts at manning the tank sales. I have volunteered to take a shift at the club tank.

For anyone that hasn't been to one, it is very exciting to be able to see so many tables with such a wide variety of corals (softies, LPS and SPS). There will aslo probably be someone selling aquarium supplies and equipment. If your are a reef addict, like most of us club members, it is like a "kid in a candy store".
I have 4 candy canes, 3 anthelia, a rock with 3 different mushrooms on it and a rock with a comb. of anthelia, xenia and palys on it. Is this too much for the club tank or would I need one of my own. Also, I saw that you should bring them the nite before. My man works in Memphis so I think I'm going to get a room down there Fri. nite and meet him there. We'll be there to help move stuff and whatever else that evening. What time is setting up starting at?
Doesn't sound like too much to me, but Marty is the grand wizard of the frag swap. As we are nearing the date I am sure Marty will put out so more guidance if it is not already on one of his posts........

Put up some pics and prices and you may pre-sale them to some members...
I can't. Last time I did that I got in trouble because I haven't had enough posts here to allow me to do that.
I can't. Last time I did that I got in trouble because I haven't had enough posts here to allow me to do that. only need 15 more. Go to the RC main page and find some topics of interest and you can knock that out in a day...
+1 for that!

Alternately, Members can hawk their wears (FOC) in the MEMBER's tank, if you didn't want to spring for your own table.

And yes... we Call it a Swap, but really, it's more like like a Buy & Sell (garage sale) format.

Bring Cash! (And Frags!!!)