Frag Tank Clean Out--Lots of Cheap Frags


New member
Hi all,

I have run out of room in my frag tank so its time to sell. All the frags have been made for a long time, none are fresh cut. If you are interested let me know and I will bring them to this July meeting. Most photos are of the mother colonies.

1. Armor of God Zoanthids - 9 Polyps, $30

2. Radioactive Dragon Eyes - 15+ Large polyps, $30

3. Purple rim Monti Cap - at least 2" in diameter, $15
E-mail if you'd like to see a photo

4. Yellow Polyps - 15 polyps, $15
E-mail if you'd like to see a photo

5. Green Slimer - 1-1.5" with three branches, $10

6. Yellow Millepora - 2-2.5" well encrusted, $10

7. Dragon Eye Zoanthids - 8 polyps, $20

8. Ronald McDonald zoanthids - 11 Polyps, $20
9. Metallic Green star polyps- Large plugs about 2" in dia., $10

10. Twighlight Pinks - 4 polyps, $10

11. Green Hydnopora - Large Frags 2"+ and branched, $10

12. 2 Metallic blue mushrooms, $15

13. Dark Green Monti Cap - Large Piece, $10

14. Bam Bam Orange Zoanthids - 5 polyps, $20

15. Orange polyp/ green body Montipora digitata - $15
Hey Trish,

Welcome to the club! The AOG's and Blue Mushrooms are both available. Are you coming to the meeting in next weekend? If so, I will bring them then.

We have another Armor of God left if anyone else is interested, it is also 9 polyps.


Sounds great. I'll see ya there. Baby em for me til then!! LOL!

Wow, I'm getting excited. This is so much better than buying frags that have to be shipped. Those shipping costs will kill ya!
Oh, you tempt me so bad. I want
7. Dragon Eye Zoanthids $20
10. Twighlight Pinks $10
14. Bam Bam Orange Zoanthids $20
May want 8. Ronald McDonald zoanthids but work blocks photobucket so I cant see the pictures.
Hey all,

I won't be able to come to the meeting next weekend because my in-laws are coming next weekend to help me build a shed. --I'd rather come to the meeting:( Anyways my wife and I will be in memphis tomorrow if anyone is interested in anything I could get it to you then, otherwise everything may have to wait till August meeting. Sorry for the confusion and the mix up and any problems this may have caused.

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I will take 15 and 6 I will be in town for the meeting next weekend since it is at my Dad's house, but I can come get the frags since you wont be there. Also pm sent
I will take #11 the hydnophora. I would be able to PU tomarrow in Memphis and my son has claimed #15 and #6, I would pick them up at the same time.

you're not kidding Jay! I was gone from home for about 5 weeks and my frag tank was one over grown mess. (Says a lot for Amy's reef keeping skills) And speaking of Amy and I we are going to be parents:) SO I am building a workshop out back to house my aquariums & make room for the new family addition. So in the next few months (7 or less) I plan to get rid of as much as I can so they do not have to go through the move out back.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I can't wait to wish you that in person later today!!!! I'm so happy for you!! :) And I refuse to look at anymore pictures of your frags this morning. :P
I still have most of this stuff I can take to the August meeting if anybody is intrested. Some polyp counts might be off but I can emil you back and let you know what I have.
Also is there anyone out there that would be interested in large coral colonies of green star polyp and pink zoas?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10338747#post10338747 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarson61
And speaking of Amy and I we are going to be parents:) SO I am building a workshop out back to house my aquariums & make room for the new family addition. So in the next few months (7 or less) I plan to get rid of as much as I can so they do not have to go through the move out back.

congratulations Amy and Sanford!!!! a little Carson frag is on the way!!!! :)
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Hey Sanford. These are already spoken for but , if you have any 1 and 9 left put me down for these and let me know. thanks
I sure would like some of the corals but just don't know what. If you will bring some to the meeting I will buy some and I would bet you will sell them all.