I purchased a 30 x20 x10 acrylic frag tank from a guy for a very good price. When I purchased it, I had some concerns about how it was drilled. the overflow is in the right hand corner and there is a hole drilled in the bottom for a 1" bulkhead. In the back of the overflow, there is a hole drilled for a 1/2" bulkhead. The guy said that I could use lockline and just run the return up and over the overflow. Technically, i could do that but I would prefer not to. I considered putting a 90 going up and using that as an emergency drain like in a herbie setup and either drilling another hole for the return or going over the top.
What do you all think? Would by emergency drain idea work or would there be an issue as the main drain is 1" and the emergency would be 1/2". I have attached a few pics to show what I am working with.
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
What do you all think? Would by emergency drain idea work or would there be an issue as the main drain is 1" and the emergency would be 1/2". I have attached a few pics to show what I am working with.
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.