Frag Tank Setup Questions


I recently acquired a 30 gallon frag tank and am looking for opinions on how to set it up. It is drilled in the bottom of the glass twice for flow to a sump as well as the return to the tank. It also has the baffles to close off the drilled holes so I wouldn't have to run a sump...

Would you set the frag tank up without a sump or with? And if i were to use a sump what would I need to put in there?

I will have a LED bar as well as a two bulb t5 above the frag tank just like my 50gallon display.

Also looking for opinions on using display tank water as water change water for the frag tank?

Lots of questions thanks for any feedback!
I would always strive for extra water volume, so add a sump especially since you have the tank drilled already. More water volume means that your tank is less susceptible to parameter swings. Something freshly cut frags should not experience.. just my .02.

I have a 90 gallon frag tank along with 2 40 breeders. I run t5s (8 bulb + LED supplementation) on the 90 and LEDs on the breeders. They are all plumbed together into approx 200 gallon sump which is a huge PVC tub. Inside the tub is an oversized skimmer, a large sandbox tray that holds mangroves and sand plus a small dragonsbreath algae propagation area. I have a carbon reactor as well along with about 100-150 lbs of live rock. I have two drains and two returns. Each drain leads to the sump with a basket containing filter floss which I change about every week and ritual cleanings of the floss throughout the week. Also plumbed a chiller that is controlled by an apex that runs on a mag 5. I live in Miami so the water temp isnt too far off from perfect except during the hot summer.

You can do all of this in a smaller sump, I just like additional water volume. If you don't like the sump idea, I would implore you to plumb the system with your current DT even if you don't like that idea.
That's a heck of a setup you've got Reeferz412. How big is your main system?

I agree with reeferz412, more water volume
Is better at handling swings with all the trace elements.
That is my main system for now haha. It takes up most of my time. I had a 20 Long and 46 bowfront but I broke them both down and moved all the corals to the frag tank. I automated most of frag tank with an Apex and it's all in my two car garage.

My buddy is going to build me a custom tank 80-100 gallons DD that I will load up with the corals I am propagating.
If your totally against the sump part of it I would say at minimum you should put a hob fuge system on there. You are going to need some type of filtration either lots of live rock or canister filter...... Something. I would definitely use a sump or plumb it to the display personally but if those aren't options that's what I would do.