fragging a montipora?


florida guru
does anyone have any experience in fragging a montipora w/o the whole colony breaking into pieces?
no they are very fragile, best way I have found is grab the monti with your hand and snap off a piece, still no guarantee that it won't just shatter.
I 2nd the dremel for such a delicate cut. of course you would have to get the whole thing outta there first and by the looks of those they are fully attached.
Probably break off a large piece, hope for the best and then if you want specific pieces and sizes from that larger broken off one, use the dremel.
I employ the zen art of mantra when fraging my moti. Its pretty simple. I calmly and delicately grasp the colony to frag and chant, "please, please, please...." as I apply steady, even pressure.
just find a small piece that is close to the rock and snap it off.

if not get out some tools.

and by tools i don't mean dave. buwahahahahahahaha..

love ya dave. serious.