Fragging red goniopora

No, but if you are going to frag one, I would be interested in a frag.
never fragged a red one, but I fragged my green one and it's still doing awesome. the girl that has the other half is having good luck with it too! everyone says the green ones are so hard to keep, but i've had mine for almost 2 years with good luck I guess! good luck fragging the red one. I just hit mine with a hammer and chisel. cracked it right in half.
Everything I've read up to this point on the more common species of gonis warn repeatedly of damaged polyps/flesh leading to loss of the colony.

Glad to hear you had luck with fragging a green one. (Was it Goniopora stokesi, or a different species?)
That gives me a little hope.

I'm going to continue to research for a while before I decide to start cutting, but I definitely intend to make some frags from it in the near future.
Has anyone seen another colony of stutchburyi anywhere around just in case this one decides to go south after fragging?