Fragging Ricordeas


New member
I have a nice ricordea with two mouths attached to one polyp. My Question: What is the process of fragging them into two distinct species. Could you please give me a thorough process I can follow that will reduce the probability of infection and, ultimately, death.

Time :)

I've also heard of some people feeding them help accelerate the splitting process. I have also heard of a handful of people using a rubber band to apply a light linear pressure between to the two mouths to promote splitting. I am not sure about the success rate of the latter.
I just use scissors (very sharp and clean ones) and cut the ric between the mouths. I have never had any problems with this approach.
I cut my orange between the mouth's about a mounth ago and reglued the cutting, and it is doing great. It was my first time propagating anything, so it was a little nerve racking. They are pretty hardy and you can take them out of the water and dry them off with a towel. aif the rock you want to attach them to can not be removed from the tank, then you might want to try some fine netting to help the fight any current until they attach. trial and error, and there is only one way to learn how to do it and that is to do it.
I've heard if you turn it sideways, gravity will help pull them apart until they split, no experience personally though.
I just fraged my first. I cut at the base and then cut it down the middle of the mouth. I lost the frags in the current after I tried to tie them down to the rocks with thread. The base is growing back, though. It is pretty amazing how hardy they really are.