Fragging Rics is the same as shrooms?

cut it in half , providing its not on a big rock.. if you get part of the mouth in the cut it will heal faster, an have a higher surival rate , some people cut in fourths.. i opt not too..i learned how to frag on green striped.. bacaially its the same method.. except green striped are ALOT tougher..

that was the first thing i fragged too. I had a 100% survival rate of 15 mushrooms. I only cutt the head from the foot though. Later on the container flipped over and only 8 were caught. The rest are like tumble weeds now. The rock is about the size of a soft ball and has about 25+
heads and maybe even more mouths. Would it be ok to cut them from the rock and like a pizza at the same time? Or would this make the chance for survival lower? My rics are a light green in color and the reason i'm doing this is so i have something i can trade for other shrooms.
I assume they're Ricordea floridas, right? If so then the green ones are usually quite durable. I would cut them in fourths, and yes you can do it right after you cut them off at the foot. I've had 100% survival with my green rics so far (about 15 frags).
Does cutting them help them grow faster too (as a whole)? I just don't want to cut them if they take too long to become big again. I always see people with big mounds of shrooms and wonder if it's just the feeding, or if they cut the crap out of them and then feed. I wanna cover a whole rock with orange yumas and floridas
depending if thier wild caught or home growm..home grown usally grows alot my experence..

So with my 2 mouthed orange florida ric, I could cut it in half between the mouths and then across each mouth? I would love to try to frag it, but Im the kind that is scared of hurting it lol.