Fragging Scolymia


New member
I'm in the market to purchase some new corals, and while looking I came across the following quote at Tidal Gardens:

"It is unfortunate that these beautiful corals cannot be propagated. They may survive cutting, but do not regain their signature circular appearance. Despite the fact that they cannot be propagated at this time, they are a favorite coral here at Tidal Gardens, and we make it a point to provide WYSIWYG specimens for sale online.."

However, upon googling it, I saw a number of people talking about fragging them. So I thought I'd ask here. What's the deal? Can you frag them or not?
There is a guy in Australia who has been doing some amazing work fragging scolys, I'll see if I can track it down. It can be done but you have to make sure they consistent flow to prevent infections. Not strong flow just consistent water movement across the coral. Their flesh is prone to brown jelly and they can melt overnight if things go wrong.