Fragging Xenia


New member
This isn't a joke. For some of us, it *doesn't* grow like a weed. :D

My brother in law wants some, and mine looks healthy enough to cut off a stalk. Is it just that, do you get a new sharp exacto and cut off a branch, then super glue it to a piece of live rock? Howzzit done?

Any suggestions are, as usual, much appreciated.

French Translation for your benefit:

Ce n'est pas une blague. Pour certains d'entre nous, ça ne pousse pas si vite. :D

Mon beau-frère en veut, et le Xenia que je possède a l'air de pouvoir se faire partager. Est-ce aussi simple, peut-on chercher un couteau aiguisé et en couper une branche, puis le coller à une pièce de rocher vif? Comment ça se fait?

Les suggestions sont, comme d'habitude, bien acceptés.
Glue wont really work since they will slime up and becom very small. Cut the base with a sharp pari of scissors and make sure the cut is fast and clean.
I use netting or veil, place the frag on a piece of rock, place the netting over the coral loosely, and then rubberband each side of the netting or veil for a few days.
Place it in low flow and within a few days it will start to attach.
Just cut the piece and put it under a rock with it sticking out. IT will attach in a few days.
I just cut a stalk off with scissors and just rubber band it to a rock, you usually get 2 new stalks on each side of the rubber band. It doesn't matter if you crush it.
stick a toothpick through it, and rubber band the toothpick to a rock. Whenever I've used superglue-the xenia usually ends up attaching.
Easiest way to propagate xenia is to lean a piece of rubble against the stalk and wait. Once the stalk is attached to the rock, usually takes about a week or two, just cut the xenia between the rubble and the old base. A scissors works but I prefer to use a sharp razor blade.

The xenia will be attached and the base will grow back into a new colony.
I've got a question about this as well. I'm new to the hobby, and my two stalks of Xenia have become 15 in two months. I was going to use some LR rubble and use rubberbands to attach them to the rocks. The LFS near me said they'd take em but that I could just use any old rock... rocks from the yard, anywhere... But I dont want those rocks in my tank... for those who have traded frags with their LFS, do they have to be attached before they'll take em in your experience?
I've been pretty successful just using crazy glue. However, the tank I have them in is one of those freakish tanks where you can't seem to kill them. Glued one to the back glass a few months ago, now I got a field of them.