I have decided to try and set up an intro reefkeeping course at my home. Last year was great and we all learned something, including me. You will learn about the basics of reefkeeping including some of the mistakes I have made (lots!) so that you don't make the same ones. I will talk about setup, water chemistry, fish, corals, pests, maintenance, equipment, energy efficient ideas, plumbing a tank, working with acrylic (demonstration) , and coral propagation (fragging demonstration).
Coffee, bagels and donuts will be served free of charge. For lunch we went to Kelly's in Saugus last year to see their large reef aquarium and we then went to Sea Creatures in Revere. The same could be planned this year.
Enrollment for the class is limited to the first 15 people so please reserve early. A minimum of 10 people would be good to shoot for.
Where: My home
When: Saturday, May 20, 9 AM to 1 PM, followed by optional lunch and trip to Sea Creatures in Revere.
Please PM me if you are interested. I will respond with directions and a course syllabus shortly after.
Coffee, bagels and donuts will be served free of charge. For lunch we went to Kelly's in Saugus last year to see their large reef aquarium and we then went to Sea Creatures in Revere. The same could be planned this year.
Enrollment for the class is limited to the first 15 people so please reserve early. A minimum of 10 people would be good to shoot for.
Where: My home
When: Saturday, May 20, 9 AM to 1 PM, followed by optional lunch and trip to Sea Creatures in Revere.
Please PM me if you are interested. I will respond with directions and a course syllabus shortly after.