Free Chaeto in Wilkes-Barre Area

How much have you got... Im in pittston.. also anyone got any SPS from trade.. i have some frags ready for trade if you guys got any.
Ed... Go across the river and pick some up for me and drop off on the way to your house lol..

Im on william street in pittston. Let me know if you want to meet up or something. I would like a small amount if possible.
Ok... sorry I didn't respond.. been really busy @ Work. Do we want to set up a time I can meet people and you can divide it up as you see fit? I can meet you guys at Pet Zone or something.
Doesnt matter to me.. Either or is fine, I need to pick up a new bucket of Reef crystals anyways.. Petzone is fine by me.. I would have to do it on a weekday after work because my weekend schedule is packeeeed every week.(have my wedding in october) Let me know.
Dr4g0nf1y what kind of softies are you looking for? I have all kinds of 'em. Drop me a pm and Ill hook you up. Not sure where exeter is but Im in Tamaqua. Its about halfway between hazleton and Allentown on 309.