Free coral again! / Aplysia update


Old School Reefer
It's time to harvest more of my kenya tree coral, which grows very quickly. So if anyone wants a rather large frag of this coral for free please let me know.

Today's the last day of Aplysia research in lab, and I fear that the students will use them all! I might have one left, but just one. I'll PM those that requested one at the end of the day.


If he-she's going to a more deserving home I vote for Cass. It will be a veritable cornucopia of green goodness.
Clearly you haven't seen my 24 gallon lately, Barrett

And should I remind you that I got the Bryopsis from you?

Hopefully Jay ... you will find yourself with two.

We'll be crossing our fingers.

Barrett .... maybe if you haven't placed the order yet we need to buy one?
Re: Free coral again! / Aplysia update

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9755726#post9755726 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by neuroslicer
kenya tree coral, which grows very quickly.

That is an understatement!! My QT has about 40 unattached Kenya sprouts from the one frag (from Jay) I started with. I was thinking of putting a sign up at the frag swap "free to good home" LOL

Personally I think Jay is on a mission to have Kenya in every tank in the club. :)
This is really embarassing since I never got around to posting pictures when this tank was looking good. But this is what has happened during the time I've been overwhelmed getting through tax season.


Clean up starts today .....
Ha .... yeah the Hydor keeps coming off and I need to pull the whole pump out and change the adapter so it fits better.

That is an open brain (Trachyphyllia (sp?)) I got it just button size and its outgrowing this tank already.

I'm working on a big manual algae removal today and need to move him back from the glass and want to put the clam up on a flat rock.

Have been scraping coralline and doing a water change on the 55 gallon all morning and now am about to start on this one.
A little super glue gel fixed my hydor falling off for good. LOL open brain = frag candidate for meeting ;)
I don't know how to frag those.

How can you do that without killing them?

I had no idea they are such fast growers when I put him in a 24.

Thanks for the superglue trick. That has worked nicely.
pull .... a lot .... fingernails for pinching helps..

Ha ...

Seriously .... when it gets this bad I do a few things

If it is a rock I can pull out, when I do a water change I'll pull the rock out and scrub it outside of the tank in old water that I'm throwing out anyway.

Those littel gum stimulator toothpicks that they sell in Walgreen's are awesome algae removing tools for in the tank. They have tiny little teeth on one end. You put that end in the middle of a big clump of algae, twirl it to wrap the algae around the teeth and you can pull a BIG wad of algae out by the roots.

Most algae eaters won't touch the coarse full grown crops of the stuff. But if you can get a good algae eater in the tank, remove the big stuff, the herbivore can mow the new regrowth in the tasty tender shoot stage and keep it from coming back.

Which ..... a'hem ..... is why I'm hoping Jay has an extra sea hare that Cass and I can share joint custody of.

btw .... I was going to take a picture for you all to see the progress I made today harvesting algae and look who was showing off.

p.s ... Jay ... if I agree to take some Kenya tree does it help my chances with the SH?

It's beautiful coral ..... just has the tendency to turn into too much of a good thing.

Will it crowd out hair algae?? :) Then it definitely is a chance for improvement.
He was sold to me as a McCosker's Flasher wrasse, but he looks like he's trying to grow multiple filaments on his dorsal fin, which would make him a Carpenter's flasher.

Not sure yet which .... they're both so similar.
Bad news... one group of students needs to redo their experiment yet again, so the last Aplysia is spoken for! Sorry Cathy and Cass.
I don't even want to ask what that means for the Aplysia ..... experiements????

Thanks for trying anyway, Jay