OK, I've trimmed a bunch of SPS out of my tank again because it's overgrown and shading the bottom. Before I just throw away the frags, I'm offering these for free (only condition is that you are taking them for your tank and not just reselling them). And you'll have to come to State College to pick them up.
- Yellow/green Bali Slimer/Acro. Yongei: a couple of 3" branches.
- Blue tip acro: a couple of 3" branches
- Fluorescent Green Hydnophora: 1 4" branch.
- Brick red Monti. Digitata: 1 2" frag.
- Fluorescent Green Acro. Millipora: 1 2" frag.
I also have some big pieces for sale, shown below. Color in pictures is not great, the left is Maroon/Purple (will get more purple than I had it under PCs), middle is the fluorescent green Acro. Millipora, right is the yellow/green Bali Slimer (looks pink now because it's been under low light for a month). I'm asking $35 for the Maroon on left and slimer on right, $40 for middle green.
Blue tip acro, bali slimer in back:
Green Millipora:
- Yellow/green Bali Slimer/Acro. Yongei: a couple of 3" branches.
- Blue tip acro: a couple of 3" branches
- Fluorescent Green Hydnophora: 1 4" branch.
- Brick red Monti. Digitata: 1 2" frag.
- Fluorescent Green Acro. Millipora: 1 2" frag.
I also have some big pieces for sale, shown below. Color in pictures is not great, the left is Maroon/Purple (will get more purple than I had it under PCs), middle is the fluorescent green Acro. Millipora, right is the yellow/green Bali Slimer (looks pink now because it's been under low light for a month). I'm asking $35 for the Maroon on left and slimer on right, $40 for middle green.
Blue tip acro, bali slimer in back:
Green Millipora: