Free Green Star Polyp frags...


New member
Local pickup only. I have to trim back my star polyps every few months...I
usually throw the bits away, so they are free to anyone who wants to pick
them up.

PM and I will give you directions. I live in Bridgeville.
(Lower, slower Delaware.)
I really would like some and may be down next week end or two weekends from now to visit some family, an you hold on to them for a little bit?

Sure, I can wait a couple of weeks. PM your email and I will give you my phone number
for you to call when you are in town.
hey if there are enough and your going there anyway, Gordonious do you think grab me some.
Nah, I think that would hurt my gas mileage too much carrying around some extra polyps. :-P (Sorry I'm a smart @$$ of course I can grab you some)

I will probably have 7 or 8 frags so (some larger than others), depending on Gordonious' generosity, there might be enough for everyone.....My stars are on a rock on the sand and they spread out and grow over the sand, so every once in a while I trim back all the over growth. The frags will have sand stuck to the bottom that can be glued to whatever rock you want.

Anybody want to send down a frag in trade?? :D I would especially love some xenia....
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star poylp frag

star poylp frag

hi i would be interested in getting a star polyp frag, and the good thing is that i live right in bridgeville de too. i live right in town... thank you for your time..
Cool welcome. Who knows how to do one of those welcome messages? I always thought they were too cheesy to mess with.

Not sure, soon hopefully. I had planned on being down already. I am hoping to make it down not this weekend, but next. I will let you know asap.

I'm from, but no longer in DE. There was NO one down there when I was down there. I didn't know about Dr. Mac's back then though. At least you guys have that to get the best live stock.