Local pickup only. I have to trim back my star polyps every few months...I
usually throw the bits away, so they are free to anyone who wants to pick
them up.
PM and I will give you directions. I live in Bridgeville.
(Lower, slower Delaware.)
I will probably have 7 or 8 frags so (some larger than others), depending on Gordonious' generosity, there might be enough for everyone.....My stars are on a rock on the sand and they spread out and grow over the sand, so every once in a while I trim back all the over growth. The frags will have sand stuck to the bottom that can be glued to whatever rock you want.
Anybody want to send down a frag in trade?? I would especially love some xenia....
hi i would be interested in getting a star polyp frag, and the good thing is that i live right in bridgeville de too. i live right in town... thank you for your time..
I'm from, but no longer in DE. There was NO one down there when I was down there. I didn't know about Dr. Mac's back then though. At least you guys have that to get the best live stock.
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