Free Mandarin


New member
I have a free mandarin, but since he is free it will not be first come first serve I want to make sure he can go to a tank that will provide an environment to flourish in. So if you want him send me a pm with info on your tank and experience with reef keeping.
Hello tzhanks,
I am a new member and have an Oceanic Biocube 14 that is well established with pods, cleaner shrimp, hermit crabs, 2 clowns and plenty of food for a mandarin. This will be my last fish since my focus at this point will be on the corals. I built the reef with very porous live rock so there are plenty of places for the mandarin to find pods as well as cover. Thanks.
14 gallon BioCube is no way big enough for a mandarin goby and it will soon starve and on top of that you should have a refuge if you plan on keeping one. It is so sad that these fish are inexpensive in the hobby so people buy them up and kill them.
tzhanks i will be more then happy to take him if you would like to trade for some coral that i have. Also is he a Green or a Spotted Mandarin? Thanks

Steffen Sparks
Mandarin gone, thanks to all who showed interest. markfish like Steffen said a 14 gallon tank is way to small. I have one in a 44 and thats only because I have him trained to eat frozen. If you ever upgrade and want to get one pm me and I will point you in the right direction to get him trained on frozen and other foods.
Glad to see it went to a good home! And with the questions that you asked i am pretty sure it did! Thanks

Steffen Sparks