Free stuff and trades!!!


New member
So I got the urge to go through my unused items... If your local and wish to take some free items please feel free to message me. Please only ask for items you will be using... Not fair to others to take items you will just keep in storage. I do accept frags as a nice gesture for the free items :spin3:

As for the items listed as trades shoot me an offer i don't really care that much. I live in conyngham, pa 18219

Free stuff:
4 bulb LED moonlight
Fission nano skimmer(had a DIY plan for it)
Azoo 50w titanium heater external control
Whisper 60 air pump
Hydor l40 740gph pump
Half used salifert Ca test kit expiration mid 2014
Brightwell extrax phos 600g jar

Stuff for frag trades(SPS, LPS, or zoas):
Giesemann power chrome actinic+ 24w T5 bulb (new)
Coralife 24" fixture 4x24w T5 with moonlights
Six 48" T5 reflectors with ati & other premium bulbs.
CPR CS50 overflow box
morgantown reef geek

morgantown reef geek

New to the site and looking for other reef geeks in area. How long u been in the hobby? That's a lot of stuff. Is some still available?:thumbsup:
I'm interested in the following:
4 bulb LED moonlight
Fission nano skimmer(had a DIY plan for it)
Azoo 50w titanium heater external control