Free to a good home


Premium Member
Getting rid of my 55G reef, so the tank and oak stand and hood are available for free to anyone that wants to come and haul it away from State College, PA.


Hey! I am down near Hershey, PA. If anyone takes that tank, I am giving away about 20lbs of FREE Live Rock. It has no pests. It's been in the same tank for 5 years. I am taking this aquarium down and don't want to throw the rock outside. There are some small feather duster type tube worms in the rock and I saw a peanut worm in there a few times over the summer.
I can't take this tank down until I find a home for the rock, so hey! between this free tank Sanjay and free rock from me, someone would be off to a good start.
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Hey Sanjay the tank "reef ready" with internal overflows, or just a basic glass box ?

My son may want it, and we are pretty close.

I picked up this tank this morning from Sanjay. It was a 2+ hour ride but worth ever minute. Tank-stand-hood-sump-pluming ---and topped it off with cutting me some Frags. Would not take a penny ---couldn't even buy him lunch. What a class act and an amazing tank. I was in awe. I could have stood in front of that tank all day. If anyone ever gets an opportunity to see this setup in person ---jump at it. It's amazing.

Sanjay--thanks again. This is the way it would be done. An experienced reefer just wanting to help someone get to the next level. I currently have a 29 that I will never tear down. I am going to build up this 55 and I'm sure within another two years --upgrade to a 120 or 180. When I do I'll pass this along just like Sanjay did to me and throw in a few Frags for good measure.