Free to good homes


New member
Well, the tank is coming down now in prep for a move. I've got a few things if anybody's interested.
These corals have been partially bleached in a crash but are definitley recovering - free to someone who will give them a little TLC:
- Porites (finger coral) - pink w/ yellow polyps - this piece is small (~2" base) but has almost fully recovered bleaching & has new growth
- Monti digitata - orange - couple of frags, some attached some not, has new growth over bleached regions, grows like a weed, great for beginners
- Caulastrea (candy cane) - pink w/ teal centers & stripes - ~3-4" diam colony, polyp flesh has receded in crash to centers of polyps, needs lots of TLC but a very nice piece that is slowly recovering.

If you are interested let me know and I will bring them to the tank tour on Sat. If you can't make the tour but can arrange something on Sun that would be great as I'm hoping to tear down by the end of the weekend.
I also have about 20lbs of nice fiji rock, covered in coralline, will get rid of cheap, make me an offer.


I'll gladly take anything classified as "Easy". What do you think is fair for the rock?

I can't make the tour this weekend but will meet you whereever / whenever is convienient for you.

Hi Mary,
I would love to try ands nurse the porities and moti frags back to health!

I have to show some clients around most of the day tommorow and wont be able to make the tour but can met up either eveneing this weekend or tonight...
Will be there saturday and would be interested in the Porites (finger coral) - pink w/ yellow polyps and if you have enough frags of the orange monti digitata.
I've got 3 monti frags so each of you can have one, it grows super fast. Eric, the porites is yours since you asked first, see PM re meeting. Craig, you've got PM re rock.
Everything's spoken for. Al, I'll have a frag of the monti for you tomorrow. See ya - Mary