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copied from ecosystem site
How often should I do a 50% mud change?
New EcoSystems can run for two years before a mud change is required. After this initial two year period, a 50% mud change is needed each year thereafter.
Why do I need to do a 50% mud change?
A 50% mud change is necessary to replenish the essential trace elements that are consumed by the animals.
How to prepare for a mud change.
Premixed saltwater (24 hours ahead of time) 2410 use 10 gal., 3012 use 15 gal., 3612 use 20 gal., 3616 use 25 gal. - Wide flat spatula or spoon - Siphon hose (minimum of 3/4" inch in diameter) (pump optional) - (1-2) 5 gallon bucket(s) - A few towels (for clean up) - Replacement Miracle Mud (50% of total amount needed for sump/filter) 2410 use 5 pds., 3012 use 10 pds., 3612 use 15 pds., 3616 use 20 pds.
How to perform a 50% mud change? Steps 1-7
#1 - Unplug the lights and pumps in the sump/filter area. Allow the water to backflow into the sump/filter. #2 - Siphon the loose detritus off the top of the entire Chamber 2/mud bed with the siphon hose (you might remove a little mud during this process - which is acceptable) #3 - Remove as much water as possible from Chamber 2/mud bed area. #4 - At this point, divide Chamber 2/mud bed into 2 halves (left and right). Decide which half you will replace. Leave other side untouched until next year. #5 - Remove the algae/plants from the half that you have decided to replace. Lay the plants on top of the other mud section for now. #6 - Remove the mud with the spatula/spoon and discard the used mud. #7 - Pour replacement mud into the filter and level off with your hand.
How to perform a 50% mud change? Steps 8-14
#8 - Lay the empty miracle mud bag over the top of the mud bed and slowly pour the new premixed saltwater on top of the bag until the water level is 1 inch over the mud bed (using the bag prevents disruption of the mud bed when water is poured over it) #9 - After a few minutes, carefully remove the bag and replant the algae/plants into the new mud bed. #10 - Again, lay the empty miracle mud bag on top of the algae bed and fill Chamber 2/mud bed with water to the top of Chamber 3’s overflow wall. #11 - Carefully remove plastic bag. #12 - Remove floating debris from mud bed chamber. #13 - Allow system to settle for 1 hour. #14 - Start system up (lights and pumps)