Frogspawn flow question


New member
I've had this coral for over 6 months and can never tell if it's happy or not. I'm doing my best to understand and learn this hobby and I've enjoyed it thus far but need some help.

I took a video of my frogspawn in the flow of my tank to see if it's too much or too little. I feel like this coral doesn't exhibit extension like I've seen everywhere else. It's split from 2 to 4 heads recently but I don't know if that's because it's happy or for survival.

Right around the 1:10 mark is the flow pattern I'm concerned about. Thanks for helping.

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Looks like pretty decent extension to me but, less flow would probably equal more extension. Having said that, I wouldn't necessarily grade the health of the coral by its extension. I'd say, it looks happy, let it be. I have a frogspawn not to far from an MP60. If I turn it up too high, I'll lose a couple of heads of the coral right in front of the pump (coral probably has 60-80 heads). When that happens, I dial it back a bit. I think your fine. Also, as the coral fills out, it will be able to handle more flow.

OK thanks Matt, perhaps I'm just too impatient as all the frogspawn I see is full on colonies. My small 4 head frogspawn may not seem extended because of that.