FS 120 Reef Ready System $1100


Sold livestock last month and now have all equipment cleaned up and ready for sale. I want to try to sell as a complete package, so won't part out for a couple weeks to see who might be interested. I'm listing prices for individual items, so if you are interested, PM me and if I end up parting out, I'll sell to whoever asked first. Everything was working when I tore down tank in October.

Everything listed below for $1100. Great Christmas present. All you need to add is water and livestock and you're in business.

A) 120G Reef Ready Tank, Oak Stand, Oak Hood, 35G Acrylic Sump (Few scratches but only one visible with water and only if algae in it) - $300
B) ASM G-1X Protein Skimmer with Sedra 3500 Pump - $163
C) PhosBan Reactor 150 with ~125 ml ROWA Phos - $38
D) AquaEuro USA EU-1000 Return Bump - $46
E) Maxi-Jet 1200 Pro Powerhead - $18
F) Maxi-Jet 1200 Pro Powerhead - $18
G) Sure-Grip Magnetic Power Head Holder - $19
H) Sure-Grip Magnetic Power Head Holder - $19
I) 250W double end reflector w/ Phoenix bulb - $50
J) 250W double end reflector w/ Phoenix bulb - $50
K) Sun System Galaxy Electronic Ballast (250W/400W/400W Turbo) - $100
L) Sunlight Supply 250W Ballast - $35
M) Eheim 250W Heater - $20
N) Jaeger 250W Heater - $20
O) Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Lite Basic - $78
P) Bulk Reef Systems Peristaltic Dosing Pump (Needs replacement tube) - $56
Q) Bulk Reef Systems Peristaltic Dosing Pump (Needs replacement tube) - $56
R) Koralia Nano (240 GPH) - $20
S) JBJ Automatic Top Off System - $65
T) Eheim Everyday Automatic Fish Feeder - $26
U) Tom Aquatics Aqua Lifter - $12
V) Marine Depot Refractometer - $33
W) 10" Tweezer (Straight) - $2
X) 10" Tweezer (Curved) - $2
Y) 7.5" Premium Cutting Forceps - $10
Z) Mag-Float Acrylic 125G - $10
AA) Mag-Float Glass 350G - $19
AB) Flipper Tank Scraper/Scrubber - $26
AC) Filter Sock 10"x16" - $6
AD) Filter Sock 10"x16" - $6
AE) TruLumen Mini LED Actnic Lights incl Power Supply - $15
AF) Current LED Lunar Lights incl Power Supply - $15
AG) Long Aqua Gloves - $4
AH) 20# Reef Crystals and bucket - $10
AI) Bin with miscellaneous supplies (food, thermometers, test kits, nets, etc) & 5G bucket dry sand - $20
Black Friday Sale - $900 for complete package

Black Friday Sale - $900 for complete package

Dropping the price for complete package in honor of Black Friday Sales.

Now only $900 for all items listed.


For what it is worth, this is a picture of the tank when it was wet and had livestock in it last month.

Tank and all equipment went through a vinegar soak and is completely empty now.


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Parting it out

Parting it out

No interest in complete system, so I'm parting it out. Changed a couple prices from the original posting (shown in blue). Also, a couple items on hold (shown in red).

Attaching a picture of all the items.

A) 120G Reef Ready Tank, Oak Stand, Oak Hood, 35G Acrylic Sump (Few scratches but only one visible with water and only if algae in it) - $300 on hold for Brookie4
B) ASM G-1X Protein Skimmer with Sedra 3500 Pump - $150
C) PhosBan Reactor 150 with ~125 ml ROWA Phos - $35
D) AquaEuro USA EU-1000 Return Bump - $30
E) Maxi-Jet 1200 Pro Powerhead - $18
F) Maxi-Jet 1200 Pro Powerhead - $18
G) Sure-Grip Magnetic Power Head Holder - $15
H) Sure-Grip Magnetic Power Head Holder - $15
I) 250W double end reflector w/ Phoenix bulb - $40
J) 250W double end reflector w/ Phoenix bulb - $40
K) Sun System Galaxy Electronic Ballast (250W/400W/400W Turbo) - $100
L) Sunlight Supply 250W Ballast - $30
M) Eheim 250W Heater - $20
N) Jaeger 250W Heater - $20
O) Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Lite Basic - $78 On hold for bill4t
P) Bulk Reef Systems Peristaltic Dosing Pump (Needs replacement tube) - $55
Q) Bulk Reef Systems Peristaltic Dosing Pump (Needs replacement tube) - $55
R) Koralia Nano (240 GPH) - $20
S) JBJ Automatic Top Off System - $65
T) Eheim Everyday Automatic Fish Feeder - $20
U) Tom Aquatics Aqua Lifter - $12
V) Marine Depot Refractometer - $25
W) 10" Tweezer (Straight) - $2
X) 10" Tweezer (Curved) - $2
Y) 7.5" Premium Cutting Forceps - $10
Z) Mag-Float Acrylic 125G - $10
AA) Mag-Float Glass 350G - $15
AB) Flipper Tank Scraper/Scrubber - $20
AC) Filter Sock 10"x16" - $5
AD) Filter Sock 10"x16" - $5
AE) TruLumen Mini LED Actnic Lights incl Power Supply - $10
AF) Current LED Lunar Lights incl Power Supply - $10
AG) Long Aqua Gloves - $4
AH) 20# Reef Crystals and bucket - $10
AI) Bin with miscellaneous supplies (food, thermometers, test kits, nets, etc) & 5G bucket dry sand - $20


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Answers to Questions

Answers to Questions

The tank, stand and hood is sold and gone.

There are 6 white LED's and 6 Actnic LED's. They would not be sufficient for lighting a tank. They are actually moon lights.

Pm's replied to.
Items Sold

Items Sold

A, D, O, R, T, Z are all sold.

OldReefer, Reef Crystals still available. Let me know if you want it.