Hey guys,
This is an individual price list with a total of what it would add up to. the tank/stand canopy is about 1.5 years old. i value the entire set up at $ 6,705 parted out. if someone takes it all at once, i'll give it to you for 5,000 firm.
some retail prices in (parentheses)
Aqualogic 1/3 horse cyclone with controller (1110) -- 500
All-glass 180 corner drilled w/ R & J black stand/canopy (820+900=1720) -- 1200
3 - Ice Cap 250 watt metal halide ballasts -- 90*3 -- 270
3 - Spider Reflector w/ mogul socket -- 20*3 -- 60
2 - Tunze 6100s w/ magnets and multicontroller and transformers to make them 6000s (1140) -- 750
2 - Tunze 6055s (450) -- 350
Sequence Dart (235) -- 175
80 Watt HO Emperor Aquatics UV sterilizer(678) -- 250
EuroReef CS 8-2 w/ two Sedra 5000s -- 200
Equipment Total 3755
8 polyp colony Orange Yumas -- 75
38 polyp ORA Duncanopsammia colony -- 200
2 ORA Squamosa clams -- 2*30 -- 60
Purple Tonga shrooms -- 20
toadstool leather -- 10
orange acan colony -- 75
flores/aussie red acan colony -- 100
Zoas -- 4 rocks -- 120 for all
aussie elegance -- 125
orange plate with yellow tentacles -- 75
pipe organ -- 50
ritteri anemone -- 50
Red doughnut cynarina - 150
cotton candy chalice -- 75
blue shroom rock -- 20
yellow zoas -- 15
4 head torch -- 25
2 head frogspawn -- 15
20 or so headed teal trumpet -- 40
3 head yellow colony -- 50
4 head orange/blue/green colony -- 50
4 head orange rics -- 60
3 blue head colony -- 30
1 yellow ric with green mouth and rim - 20
1 green orange yuma -- 30
Free fades thrown in with whole set up: blue ric colony, orange ric, and some smalls
Coral total -- 1540
Black Tang -- 350
Blonde Red Sea Male Naso Tang -- 75
Copperband (many died to get his one) -- 50
Mystery Wrasse -- 150
Kole Tang -- 25
Mated Pair True Percs (spawning) -- 100
Six chromis -- free with set up
Male Vanuatu Pylei wrasse -- 75
2 Hawaiian four lines -- 60
Circus Clown Goby -- 25
fish total -- 910
live rock -- 500 .... ( 3/lb *166.66 lbs = 500 -- i'm guessing there's at least 167 pounds there, but probably more)
total -- 6,705
This is an individual price list with a total of what it would add up to. the tank/stand canopy is about 1.5 years old. i value the entire set up at $ 6,705 parted out. if someone takes it all at once, i'll give it to you for 5,000 firm.
some retail prices in (parentheses)
Aqualogic 1/3 horse cyclone with controller (1110) -- 500
All-glass 180 corner drilled w/ R & J black stand/canopy (820+900=1720) -- 1200
3 - Ice Cap 250 watt metal halide ballasts -- 90*3 -- 270
3 - Spider Reflector w/ mogul socket -- 20*3 -- 60
2 - Tunze 6100s w/ magnets and multicontroller and transformers to make them 6000s (1140) -- 750
2 - Tunze 6055s (450) -- 350
Sequence Dart (235) -- 175
80 Watt HO Emperor Aquatics UV sterilizer(678) -- 250
EuroReef CS 8-2 w/ two Sedra 5000s -- 200
Equipment Total 3755
8 polyp colony Orange Yumas -- 75
38 polyp ORA Duncanopsammia colony -- 200
2 ORA Squamosa clams -- 2*30 -- 60
Purple Tonga shrooms -- 20
toadstool leather -- 10
orange acan colony -- 75
flores/aussie red acan colony -- 100
Zoas -- 4 rocks -- 120 for all
aussie elegance -- 125
orange plate with yellow tentacles -- 75
pipe organ -- 50
ritteri anemone -- 50
Red doughnut cynarina - 150
cotton candy chalice -- 75
blue shroom rock -- 20
yellow zoas -- 15
4 head torch -- 25
2 head frogspawn -- 15
20 or so headed teal trumpet -- 40
3 head yellow colony -- 50
4 head orange/blue/green colony -- 50
4 head orange rics -- 60
3 blue head colony -- 30
1 yellow ric with green mouth and rim - 20
1 green orange yuma -- 30
Free fades thrown in with whole set up: blue ric colony, orange ric, and some smalls
Coral total -- 1540
Black Tang -- 350
Blonde Red Sea Male Naso Tang -- 75
Copperband (many died to get his one) -- 50
Mystery Wrasse -- 150
Kole Tang -- 25
Mated Pair True Percs (spawning) -- 100
Six chromis -- free with set up
Male Vanuatu Pylei wrasse -- 75
2 Hawaiian four lines -- 60
Circus Clown Goby -- 25
fish total -- 910
live rock -- 500 .... ( 3/lb *166.66 lbs = 500 -- i'm guessing there's at least 167 pounds there, but probably more)
total -- 6,705