FS 200gal Acrylic Tank setup


Premium Member
Tank is 72x27x24 3/4" acrylic; comes with stand & canopy

paid ~$3500 for it new asking $1000

forgot to mention it comes with a Magnavore 8 cleaning magnet, acrylic scrapers, and complete sanding kit
3 2" overflows (the overflow box is behind tank so u dont see it and the tank is 3/4"
Who made the tank...*******? Includes the stand and canopy?
Any filter components (pumps, other)?
Ever used? And where is the tank located? Thanks.
tank was purchased thru LFS (Fish and Other Ichthy Stuff) 2.5yrs ago and was used til June of this year. Yes it includes the stand and canopy. I am ~20 mins North of I4. The sump and pumps have already been sold.