FS 225 gallon Glass tank, rock, sand plus a boatload of extras!! ~$700 SF Valley


New member
Hi guys,

Its with a heavy heart I am getting out the hobby, life has gotten in the way and I no longer have time to properly sort my tank out.

$700 OBO takes it all away, tank, rocks, sand, and misc equipment!

****I am not currently selling individual items, I would like to sell it all as one package****

Pictures at the bottom!

The Tank
225 Gallon all Glass center brace. Dimensions 6ft wide by 2.5ft tall by 2 ft deep There is an affixed rock wall.

200lb - 250lb of rock. Bubble algae and apastaisa on most of it, but also mushrooms and polys on many of the pieces. there are some very impressive rock pieces, the most striking being a ~ 2ft wide plate coral.

~150lb sand

1 awesome MALE psychedelic Mandarin fish. ~2.5 inches in size, very healthy and very happy. only eats pods.

The Miscellaneous ( All included )

Spectra Pure 3 stage RO/DI filter
3 Hydor magnum power heads, all various GHP
2 Maxi jet power heads
10 gal quarantine tank (no copper used)
6ft florescent lights (with Ballast)
4ft PC lights (with Ballasts)
2ft Sunpac PC light (with Ballast)
1 submersible water pump
1 external water pump
~45lb Red Sea Salt
Various Testing kits
Hoses, buckets, heaters.

I am probably missing some stuff on this but those are the major things.

Tank Empty

The beginning


RO/DI Filter

The Miscellaneous

Located in the Tarzana area.
