FS: 29G Biocube w/ Clowns, Sixline, Shrimp, Full Setup incl. stand RO/DI refugium etc


New member
I'm moving in the near future and unfortunately it's time to say goodbye! Before I set this tank up just under 2.5 years ago, I spent over a year thoroughly researching and planning my setup. My goals were to have a clean stable environment and minimize maintenance (more about this below).

I'm looking to sell the complete system, not interested in parting out just yet. Asking for $500. For a little more I'd be willing to help transport & set up.

Change the chemical filtration (every 3 months), change the filter floss weekly, 10g monthly water changes.

* The rear-chamber refugium includes Chaeto algae (light by a refugium lamp to stimulate algae growth out of sight rather than in the front of the tank), Chemipure and Purigen chemicals and filter floss. Water flows through the floss and chemicals.
* Automatic top-off that feeds in new water from the replacement reservoir while also dosing Kalkwasser mix to maintain optimal water parameters.
* A high turnover rate of 39.5x, thanks to 1,145 GPH generated by the pumps, keeps the water moving around the tank and increases the chances of particles being picked up by the water column and filtered.
* A day-and-night timer so you can schedule optimal on/off times for the lights in the tank and refugium.

Including $140 in animals (what I paid when they were babies) that are now over 2 years old. All animals are healthy and have never shown signs of disease. Everyone gets along great. I cultured the live rock myself. The bioload is pretty ideal but there's definitely room to expand by adding 1 more small fish. Otherwise you can easily add anemones, snails, coral and other invertebrates.

* 1x Black ocellaris clownfish
* 1x Fancy ocellaris clownfish
* 1x Sixline wrasse
* 1x Fire shrimp
* 1x Peppermint shrimp
* A ball of chaeto algae
* Dwarf cerith snails
* Sand
* Live rock
* Coralline algae


The tank:
* 29g Reef Aquarium w/ Hood and Matching Stand
* Stock LED lighting with an extra bar of LED's
* Two (2) Hydor Koralia 425 power heads
* 38 lbs of Live Rock
* 20 lbs sand

In the Refugium (enclosed chamber in rear of tank):
* JBJ Nano Glo LED Refugium Light
* Media Basket which holds Filter Floss, Chempure Elite (carbon filtration) and Seacham Purigen
* Refugium basket which holds Chaeto algae
* Cobalt Aquatics MJ1200 Return Pump
* Cobalt Aquatics Neo-Therm 100W Heater
* Room for a protein skimmer to make water changes even less frequent

In the Stand:
* Tunze 3152 Automatic Top-Off (ATO)
* 5G Reservoir (5G bucket with gamma lid, drilled for tubing) of freshwater for ATO
* Coralife Power Bar Day/Night Timer

The separate RO/DI Water Making Setup includes:
* Aquatic Life RO Buddie 3-Stage RO maker
* Membrane & cartridges recently replaced
* 20g waterproof plastic can with rollers
* 2x heaters with suction cups to heat water before water change
* 2x return pumps to mix and pump water into 5g buckets for transfer
* 2x 5g buckets with gamma lids for water changes and storage

The following items and accessories are included with the sale and will help ensure you have little to no unexpected costs as you start out.

* 15+ lbs (50G+ worth of water) Instant Ocean sea salt mix for you to make your own water
* Full maintenance record dating back to day 1, including maintenance schedule for you to follow
* Test kit(s)
* Kalkwasser
* Spare Purigen & Chemipure
* Wet magnet
* Fish nets
* Algae brush
* All the necessary tubing and wires
* Spare filter floss
* 2x Hydrometers
* Aquarium vacuum hoses for siphoning water and cleaning sand
* Misc. excess supplies including tubing
* More


With well over $1,800 invested into equipment and rock, plus the cost of animals and maintenance over time, I invested heavily in getting this tank to the optimal state it's in. I'm not looking to make money here. I'm looking to move the entire setup for a fraction of what I paid for it, and for the right seller who will simply appreciate the animals and the hobby.

pm for more info, happy to field any/all questions


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Well I have the system so I don't need the tank but I wouldn't mind buying a few items if you don't mind parting out.

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