FS - 36" 150w MH & 192w PC - Outer Orbit


New member
It looks like I will be moving to North Carolina in a few months, so instead of setting up the tank down here and then moving I am going to wait until I get things settled up there to start a tank.

What I'm selling is a 36" Outer Orbit fixture. It has 1 X 150w MH, 2 X 96w PC lights, and moonlights.

I bought it about a month or two ago from compulou because he was upgrading. The bulbs are 6 months old so they still have use in them. I haven't even used them yet.

This is product link:
Model# 1041

I picked them up for $220 so I'd like to see them go for the same, offers are also welcome. If they don't sell I'll haul them up to NC with me until I get established.

These lights are in great condition thanks to compulou.
No offense but if i can pick them up new for the same price why would i buy them from you? especialy since the bulbs are already 6 months old. Most buyer on here are looking for a big discount on stuff. Usually about 50%.

on the other hand. i can really use this so if you drop the price i might pick them up from ya.
Retail on that model is about $380-$400 plus shipping, so that's just about the discount you are looking for.

*Edit* Jess beat me to it while I was looking for a cheaper price. :p
No worries Chef Reef. I have misread quite a few things in my day as well.

Thanks for the info. guys.
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