Think I need to step away for a bit, just don't really have the time to spend on it right now. Would prefer to sell it as one big piece all together but if not would need to find a home for the fish. All fish have been with me for 6+ years outside of the clown, damsel and wrasse.
Stab in the dark at $700 take it all.
Marineland cube 24x24x24
Marineland black stand
2 AI Sol blue with AI
3 powerheads
Sea side aquatic CS3.5 skimmer (pump replaced last summer)
Eheim Compact+ 2000 return pump
DIY ATO, dual float switch with TOMS aqualifter
DJ Power strip in stand
10g sump
75gpd AquaFX Barricuda with pressure gauge and inline TDS
55g storage drum
Mag7 pump and brute trash can for water changes
Also have spare pucks and lenses for AI SOLs, some extra koralia power heads, TLF reactor, heaters, aqua tongs, siphons, etc
Rock, sand
Oscelaris clown with BTA
blue green chromis
starry blenny
YWG with tiger pistol shrimp
Randal's goby
yellow tail damsel
6-line wrasse
2 serpent sea star
pencil sea urchin
sea cucumber
misc snails and hermits
two colonies of zoas
colony of green slimer
Pics on my phone, I'll see if I can get them attached otherwise PM me your number and I can text you pics.
Stab in the dark at $700 take it all.
Marineland cube 24x24x24
Marineland black stand
2 AI Sol blue with AI
3 powerheads
Sea side aquatic CS3.5 skimmer (pump replaced last summer)
Eheim Compact+ 2000 return pump
DIY ATO, dual float switch with TOMS aqualifter
DJ Power strip in stand
10g sump
75gpd AquaFX Barricuda with pressure gauge and inline TDS
55g storage drum
Mag7 pump and brute trash can for water changes
Also have spare pucks and lenses for AI SOLs, some extra koralia power heads, TLF reactor, heaters, aqua tongs, siphons, etc
Rock, sand
Oscelaris clown with BTA
blue green chromis
starry blenny
YWG with tiger pistol shrimp
Randal's goby
yellow tail damsel
6-line wrasse
2 serpent sea star
pencil sea urchin
sea cucumber
misc snails and hermits
two colonies of zoas
colony of green slimer
Pics on my phone, I'll see if I can get them attached otherwise PM me your number and I can text you pics.