FS 75g COMPLETE setup


New member
this is a copy and paste from the used equipment forum, need to sell soon, so

for sale here is a well established 75gallon setup

The list begins as so:
1x 75 gallon tank, not drilled.
1x double overflow box with tubing,
1x 20g long sump with MAG7 return
1x Coralife 125 SS with pump
2x DIY 175watt Single Ended MH setup (2 bulbs, 2 reflectors, 2 ballasts)
1x canopy
1x stand

around 90lbs of PREMIUM* fiji LR (ALL PURPLE ROCK)
various colonies of green button polyps
4" bright red zoa rock
5 headed branching hammer
75 lbs of sand
tons of hermits
3" yellow tang
2" blue damsel
3" maroon clown
6" red serpent star
horseshoe crab

as of RIGHT NOW I AM NOT TRYING TO separate anything

all this for the low low price of $650
ill even help break down and set up

this is a COMPLETE , fully functioning, and THRIVING reef tank

have one too many tanks, and time for this one to go
thats a good price, I know I spent much more on mine and wouldnt sell for under 8 or 900 bucks. I love how stable my 75 has been
guys as i said earlier, at this point in time, there will be NO PARTING OUT

full setup, its a great deal guys, come on, lets get this thing out of my house