FS-Dragons Breath and Misc Corals Frags


New member
It's time to trim up my Dragons Breath again. This thing lights up like a Xmas tree under LEDs. I should be able to get two 4" clumps ($15). Also will consider trades for corals. First come first served. .


I also need to trim up my bright Green Sinulari,. Priced from $10 for a 2"-3" piece to $40 for a large piece. If anyone is interested in a piece drop me a PM. It will be fresh cut and not mounted.

Photos of mother Colony can be found here. It's the bright green one in the middle of the tank.


1 Mini colony of waving had aslo avalaibe. $10 It's 2x-3x this size now.

I also have some frags of Cinnamon Polyps (not green) that were part of my daughters science experiment. 3 available with one large and a couple babies on each. Try to get some photos later. $10

Drop me an PM if interested. I am in Boynton but can meet up if need be.
Hey Kevin, I want some but am not sure when I'll be up your area. I'll send you a text when I know my work schedule better next month.